Congrats on the buck.
I, too, fall into the "I haven't yet drew blood on a buck with my pistol."
I did have a small 6 point in my scope with my .270 Encore this season, but we are trying to bring the deer herd back to size. Everyone around me has dropped so many little bucks, that we haven't seen one of any size in about 5 yrs.
I, and it was sooooooo hard to do, passed up 2 spikes, a 4 and a 6 this season. I had the crosshairs on that 6 point's eyeball at 12 yards. I judged him to be 1 1/2 yrs old.
Next year, one of these will make our self-imposed 4 points per side minimum, and it's lights out. I can hardly wait. I was hunting a 140 class 12 point years ago with my bow that kept eluding me, and I still dream about him.
Congrats must have felt wonderful.