Thanks for the feed back .
Shot the XT this weekend and have to say it is the best bow I have ever shot !!!!!!!
The other bows I looked at was Bowtech Allieance (spelling ),Whisper Creek , Ross and a Browning Illusion .
The Mathews Switchback XT was the winner for me . The other bows are also good bows , I would not mind to own them also . I just liked the XT the best . My buddy has a AR 34 which is sweet to shoot but does not hold a flame to the XT. It is less expensive than the XT.
Now to raise a few funds to finish of the purchase of the bow and goodies .The bow alone is $729.00 so when finished I am sure it will be over a Grand .
Hey again . You have your hands on some fine products , Bow and hand Cannons ( 500 mag 460 mag ). How do you like the 460 ??
Nice to hear from you again .