Well, it took me almost 3 months to get the .270 Encore to the range. I've had problems with work schedules and bad weather, but today the sun was out, and I went to the range before I had to go in to work. I was shooting some factory Remington 130gr at only 50 yards, since the 100 yard target stands were knee deep in mud, due to recent rain. I was surprised how well the pistol shot, using the 2x-7x Burris. After some scope adjustments, to get it centered on the paper, it was shooting 3/4" to 1" groups. I shot up two boxes of the factory ammo, and was so excited about getting to shoot, that I really didn't pay any attention to the recoil. Recoil must not have been that bad, since my hands and wrists aren't sore. Anyway, I've made up my mind that this one is definately a keeper.
I also got a chance to shoot my 7-08 Savage Striker. It was the first time shooting the Striker, since I had mounted a bipod. With the Burris 3-12, it was shooting well under 1/2" at 50 yards. I liked the bipod so much, that I may look for another one to put on the Encore. Maybe the weather/work will improve, and I can get back to the range in less than 3 months.