Years back there used to be a few hedge apple/osage orange in a county sectionline shelterbelt that would set on fruit the size of a large grapefruit, Dad said they used to make rail road ties from them trees down Missouri way, on our place we had some voluntier locus saplings growing in a pasture that were a booger to cut without a good sharp chainsaw, they'd spark when cut with a chainsaw.
In Alaska we by a product by the case full, Buhach is a powder made from powderd pyrethrum flower peddals its good to dust anyplace you dont want bugs, it can be dumped in a heap and set alight as a smudge that keeps all sots of bugs at bay, I use it inside windows, electrical conduit, attic crawl space's, anyplace having allot of bugs that is bad, works pretty good as a passive (natural) insecticide, the Pyethrum flowers are in the Marigold family.
A friend that works the coastal defence radars had a problem with insects comeing in from every crack and cranny and packing up the warm electrical equipment overheating it causeing all sorts of mayham, just dusting this powder by the entry points cured the bug problem, Flies die shortly after contacting this dust, It is harmless to warm blooded creatures, i dust it on my dogs for flies and mosquitos, the can label claims to also work on flea's and lice as well.