:money: This post has been around a few days without a reply so I thought I would put in my two cents. In my tender years I had a buddy who had a fine varmit rifle. It could zip out a .22 caliber bullet and skin critters at long range with the help of a powerful target scope. The first time he invited me I felt a little out of place with my M760 pump gun with a 4X Weaver scope on it. I did not have a big selection of ammuntion. I carried what I had, 130 grain Remington Cor lok pushed by to much IMR4064(A load I dropped). We hid along a tree line next to the pasture. Within the pasture was piles of rocks. Sunning on the rocks were Rock Chucks(woodchucks).
My friend told me to take first shot. I think we were both amazed at the sound of the bullet hitting, and a red blob appearing on the rocks. After that shot I was never embarrassed about using the M760/270 for shooting chucks, jack rabbits, or coyotes. My standard load was my current 130 grain deer load. If you plan on saving hides this is not the load for you.
I have not taken a .270 coyote hunting for a lot of years. For coyotes I take a .243 with a 80 grain load. In turn I do not take the .243 deer hunting.
I think varmit hunting with the 760 is a great way of improving your handling expertise with your deer rifle.