You union dudes and middle management can blame walmart, kmart, target and who ever you want plus the CEO's but bottom line is the Unions have screwed it for them selves. Like Hell you cannot survive on less than 15 dollars a hour lots of folks do and I survive on a heck of a lot less than 7 to 8 bucks a hour on the SS disability I get. Tough you bet but I do it and and not whining every darn min that since I am not making 15 bucks a hour the world is going to end~ ! :x For Every union guy out there making 15 to 20 bucks a hour I bet there are several men or woman out there making half that and doing ok. I never made over 9 bucks my whole life on a regular job and managed to live fairly well. Even when I was married and had a wife and 2 of her kids to support. Over 30 years ago I read in a magazine that sooner or later the US would be a INFO and Tech center for the world and the third world countries would be into manufactoring just as we were in a earlier age. Looks like that prediction is coming to pass.
OK jh45gun, here is what I have come up with. If a person started work today for $9.00 per hour, his or her motel rent would be $25.00 per day, times 7 days a week time for one month rent, $700.00 for one month of motel rent. The reason I used $25.00 is because thats the cheapest I found in Tulsa, Okla.
Now that $9.00 per hour job times 8 hrs a day, times 5 days a week, times one month equals $1440.00 per month. Figure the tax base at 20%, and thats low---the taxes would be $288.00 on the gross leaving you with $1152.00 after taxes. Now your motel rent is costing you $700.00 for one month so now after paying motel ,---you have $452.00 left.
Thats $452.00 for one month to last you till next payday, if you dont have car payments, put gas in the car, and dont eat. If you eat and have a car payment, or dont have car payment, you still have to put gas in the car to go to work. Now all of this is assuming you are single at the time with no kids, or wife that gets sick.
Its pretty obvious that you cant make it on $9.00 per hour unless its 1964.
So all of you that think you can ---please inform me. And dont be jealous of union wages, if your so jealou, you should have hired out union. Its a free country.
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