I think it is really too early to see who will be the hot ticket in '08. I really like Bush's damage control this week with his taking some responsibility for Iraq and the like. I think this may sway a lot of potential voters back to the right. On the other hand, unless the democrats really fumble the ball, I don't see how they could actually lose the '08 election. Why, you ask? Think of all the ammo they have to launch about this administration, and therefore, the republican party in general... WMD's in Iraq, Iraqi oil paying for the war, Katrina response, Bridge to Nowhere, skyrocketing deficit, THE tax cuts, illegal immigration, gas prices, outing CIA agent, NSA spying on US citizens, Patriot Act, cuts in the Farm Bill, proposed cuts in Medicade, etc. Hmmm...maybe I should try for the democratic nomination? I bet, even I could win...if I had a $500,000,000 war chest, that is!