I thought maybe he was having a problem with accuracy in his 243. I have a Winchester M70, a Herter U9, and a Rem M700 all in .243 Win and I just can't one of them to shoot consistently under a moa. I have gone the whole route of new barrels, powders, bullets, cases, primers, barrel lengths, pillar bedding, free-floating, pressure bedding, glass bedding, changing stocks and everything else my 55 years of gunsmithing and 60 years of competition shooting have left in my mind. I am seriously thinging about changing to 6.5mm, something like a 260 Rem or even a 7mm. I am poised to order a PacNor barrel for the M700 but I hate to give up on the 6mm. My 6mmBR in an XP 100 rifle shoots well enough but I sure would hate to give up on the 243 Win. A varmint hunter friend has a .244 (6mm Rem) which is deadly accurate. I just can't get the 243 Win to shoot to my satisfaction. Anyone know what I should concentrate on to make it shoot well besides selling my soul to Diablo?