FWIW, I was raised in a southern Baptist home, my Grandfather was a minister.... We were taught that what is leagl is not nessicarliy right , and what is illegal is not nesscarily wrong.... For what that might be worth....
When we first moved onto our land, it was common to hear shots in the night, not jsut during deer season, but throughout the year, Wanna guess what was being shot at?
Over time, I put up a gate on a right of way through our property (goes to property below us, I had the owners permission) as well, others bought property and began to build. While the building was not what I would have wanted, the extra eyes and lack of access have put a stop to the illegal shooting. And yes, calling the sheriff or the game warden resulted in less than satisfactory results.
Two years ago I shot a very young doe, only on cleaning it to find it had been previously shot that day. B%^$*&DS!!!!!! Must have happened that morning after I left for work. Idiot neighbor tried to tell me that the animal may have traveled several miles. Right, with a broken rear left leg and bullet hole clean through the ham. \(&(^*%^&%^$ :evil: Interesting that the silliness slowed down after that conversation, has been non existant this year, but January ain't here yet.......
I just hope there is a special place in Hell for these (censored word)