Hi Digger,
Hey Digger, sounds as if your having a great time! Who is this un-named friend of yours who is willing to rush out at any time and take all those shot up hogs? Does he field dress them and then skin them the next day also? Boy does he sound like one great guy, I think you should buy him a nice big Christmas present. The only thing you need him to do now is lead you to those hogs and he would sound like one great hunting partner, just think if he could either retrieve or cook and then do the dishes afterwards!! Be still my heart :-D :-D .
If you want to keep this guys name a secret I can understand, but could I borrow him for a few days or a month or so next hunting season?
By the way, Mitchell's idea of you sending him a few ribs sounds great, just in case you have a few pounds left over...Merry Christmas to you and your "secret friend" from this frozen over sandspit they call Cape Cod....<><.... :grin: