Author Topic: 458 win.mag.or 458 lott in mauser 98 possible?  (Read 1406 times)

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Offline spispeza

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458 win.mag.or 458 lott in mauser 98 possible?
« on: December 19, 2005, 03:06:23 PM »
i have a mauser 98 that has beeen sporterized with bent bolt,scope mounts,stock,safety all that can be 30-06 springfield.i have 2 30-06s already.thinking of 1 of the 2 chamberings mentioned for something different in this mauser 98.or 375h&h mag as a single shot?im sure its the fn make.would this be possible for eithrer chambering?will the wood stock hold up to the recoil?any pros or cons?your input is appreciated.thanks.p.s. dont wanna sell the gun either.once again thanks for the help.

Offline gwindrider1

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458 win.mag.or 458 lott in mauser 98 possib
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 06:05:48 AM »
Your '98 Mauser could be easily converted to .458 Win. by rebarreling, and opening up the bolt face for the larger cartridge head size.  You might also need to open up the action rails to ensure proper feeding.  Nothing too complicated for an experienced gunsmith.

To convert to the .375 or the Lott however, would require that the action length be elongated.  This has been done countless times over the years, and I've never heard of an action so altered coming apart.  But there are right, and wrong ways to go about this.  I would be very careful in choosing a smith to do this sort of work.

As to the question about your stock, without seeing it, I couldn't comment on it's suitablity of handling more recoil.  Typically, a good glass bedding job will take care of any weaknesses in the stock which might allow it to split.  Another consideration is the design/geometry of the stock.  Stock design plays a major role in felt recoil to the shooter, as does weight.  After lighting off a few of the heavy loads, you may find yourself in the market for a new stock.

Whether you need one or not, large bore rifles are a lot of fun to own, and shoot.  I hope you have fun with your new project! 8)