Gee, I have a 10" 44 mag rechambered to 444 by SSK for 8 yrs now. I shoot everything through it from factory Rem 265 which are an absolute handfull, to full bore 300 gr Sierras. I think, as do some other people do, that know guns, that POSSIBLY someone attempted to add additional holes for a scope base. If this is done incorrectly, ie too deep or oversize holes are drilled, the chamber can be weakened greatly, or should i say dangerously! Case head size is the major determining factor to safety in teh Contender AND Encore. SSK will SAFELY chamber belted magnums of 375H&H parent mag case size. NO LARGER! In the TC, the 444 wildcats are not any higher pressure than a factory 444! Why do you think you can load a 309JDJ but not a 308 Winchester of smaller case head diameter in a Contender? purely Working pressure. BUT, efficiency is another matter all in itself. That's why a 309 can get close to a 308 Win in same barrel length when comparing Encores and Contenders. IMHO, I think the blown 444 was either a bad job or big overload. And yes, the 430 JDJ was designed 1/10th shorter. Probably for older barrels? Note: alot of guys think that just because they have a 30-30 contender, they can use much hotter loads. This is only true to a small extent. Brass life is shortened greatly. The real benefit is really only being able to use better, more aerodynamic bullets in a shorter barreled gun over a round or flat nose out of a lever gun. As far as SSK goes--call and ask respectfully without being overly angry and agressive, state your case and ask for them to check it out. JD has kept me on the phone of hrs talking about this stuff. His barrels are the only aftermarket 's I use his cartridges in, and I have 4. He designed them, he knows them, and he can fix or replace them. He is the fore-father of TC Wildcats and guns. Good luck, and stay away from basement gunsmiths and their projects. SSK extensively tested the Encore for 2yrs before anyone even heard about it., and the same goes for the G2 thing. Personally, They have never steered me wrong. They know what is and isn't safe!