Author Topic: Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetime member in NRA  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline Thebear_78

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetime member in NRA
« on: December 24, 2005, 01:35:15 AM »
A friend of my roommates girlfriend came over to my house tonight and happened to see my NRA American Rifleman magazine on the coffy table, this sent her into a tizzy of anti gun/hunting ramblings.  A "peta" member and student of the "rosie" school of thought she starting saying how guns were responsible for crime/death/suicide you name it.  Hell you would think it was guns fault for high gas prices and global warming the way she was going on.  

I tried to persuade her to see things more objectively and listen to reason but found like most women, reason had no effect on her.  After being as polite as possible for me, for my room mates sake, I finally cracked.  Told her off in dramatic fashion and kicked her out of my house.  It was a bit of a scene.

I was so mad I went and upgraded to a lifetime membership in the NRA and signed up to the "free hunters" group within the NRA.  

It scares me to think that the anti's armed only with ignorance, the ability to deregard reason, and a loud voice could bully their way into infringing upon my rights.  As gun owners and hunters we need to take a more active role in fighting these people.   We can't just ignore them and hope they go away.

Offline jimster

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2005, 03:46:46 AM »
Have run into a couple of people like this myself, not much you can do after a while of staying calm and trying to have an honest debate and they still don't get it. Soooo....I have on occasion become quite honest and say something like...I respect your right to not want to have a gun, not want to defend yourself, and crouch on your knees before a criminal and beg for your life, however, I could never lower myself to such a standard, I'm an American, and I think SOMEOME needs to fight for your right to speak out, give your views, and even cowering before those that would hurt you needs to be people like me.

This usually makes them mad enough to walk a way sputtering.
I'd like to be silent all the time, but sometimes you just get your dander up and spout off in your own way....if you know what I mean.
Someday, maybe I'll learn to keep my mouth shut...but it's hard not to speak out once in a great while to the thick headed people who think the world would be a utopia if they "made guns go away"....

At least your not alone...many of us out here are like you, we are the silent majority.


Offline Swamp Fox

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2005, 05:21:51 AM »
Face it. The truth is that nothing we can say or do, no polite manner of speech or avoidance of emotionally "inciteful" adverbs, will make some comfortable with killing animals.
These people are "anger looking for a cause".
Being the sensitive, caring guy I am and being in touch with their "needs", I make the sacrifice and let them use me as a focus for their hatred of all things male. :D
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Offline Datil

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The Anti's
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2005, 07:19:11 AM »
Just maybe she will go walking in the woods and big ol'bear will
 decide to have a meal, thence she;ll want some one to along with a rifle.
 That teach her a lesson, maybe Marv.

Offline rockbilly

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2005, 06:48:21 AM »
:wink: Usually it takes one incident, and they change their minds.  A young lady (23) I work with was pretty much like the one Bear described, anti-gun all the way.  She even told me once that she didn't like to be around me because I was a hunter and gun owner.  After being robbed and almost kidnapped at a mall in Ft. Worth she had a change of mind.

The day she came back to work someone asked her about the incident, she told them, and later said she wanted to talk to me.  She wanted information on a concealed license, and information on what kind of gun to buy.  Today she packs a Lady Smith in .357 in a special holster/purse.  The instructor that provided the training for the license is an good friend of mine, he told me that after seven years of giving instruction he had never seen a student as eggar to learn and improve their ability to shoot as she is.

It is truly amazing how fast they convert once their butt has been on the line. :D  :D

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Re: Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetime member in N
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2005, 07:33:28 PM »
Nice post bear78, I got a kick outta this one.

Especialy this part...
Quote from: Thebear_78 most women, reason had no effect on her.

Haha, yep, there inlies part of the problem. Sometimes logic, reason, and good ole fasion common sense will not get through to some poeple. Even if it did, they wont admit it, due to conflict with their agenda.

It took alot of nerve for this young little missypissy to enter your house and berate you like that. If it were me, I'd consider adding her name and e-mail address to the NRAs mailing list....

Offline Mikey

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2005, 03:07:22 AM »
TheBear - you said "I tried to persuade her to see things more objectively and listen to reason but found like most women, reason had no effect on her".  Why do you think the cavemen used clubs Dude, they knew it from the start.  LOL.  Mikey.

Offline nomosendero

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2005, 03:43:39 PM »
Are you saying that it is time to come full circle?  :-D
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline mjbgalt

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2005, 05:23:25 PM »
well heck, then I have $100 for the first guy to club my ex wife.  :)  :)  :)

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline Sourdough

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2006, 07:51:36 PM »
Bear, Wife first said you need an attitude adjustment.  Then she reread the entire post, then said "OK, I'll cut him some slack this time.  Since he was dealing with a real Bimbo".  She also said joining the NRA was a good thing.  She's an NRA certified shooting instructor herself.  We had a similer incident ourselves a few years back.

    The wife and I were stationed at Holloman AFB.  We loved in Alamogordo NM.  One evening we had a get togeather inviting several friends, people we worked with, and their families.  Since there was going to be several kids present, I put all my guns, knives, and anything I did not want the kids to touch in a back bedroom and locked the door.  There was no evidence of guns, shooting, or hunting in the house for anyone to see.  One young dependant wife hit it off well with my wife.  This young woman helped my wife prepare things as needed, helped clean up as the evening passed.  Then asked if she could come back on another evening.  The young lady needed some help with a class she was taking, and my wife was an expert in the field.  I left the guns locked in the back room till after their visit feeling she would probably bring her kid (a 5 year old brat).  After that evening I got my guns out and went hunting.  The following Saturday afternoon ,y hunting buddy and I were cleaning our guns after spending the morning shooting Cayotes and Jackrabbits.  We had several guns disassembled and lying around the living room.  In walks this young lady and her brat, uninvited.  She got real upset that we had so many guns around.  She demanded that I put them away and lock them up right now, and expressed her displeasure with me for being a person to own so many guns.  I refused, I told her if she did not like it to get out.  She said "No" she was going to call the police and report me for putting her son in danger.  She was afraid that her son might get shot, and seemed to be approaching panic.  She called the city police, I ordered her and her brat off my place, the police arrived and she did a lot of yelling.  The outcome she was escorted off the street, the city magistrate, (just happened to be my next door neighbor and a good shooting/hunting buddy) issued a court order for her to not even come on to our street.  From then on any time the Judge wanted to rattle my cage, he threatened to lift her court order.  Gosh I was so mad that day, I really wanted to shoot someone.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Thebear_78

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2006, 11:52:51 AM »
Its completely irrational fear that does it.  They are usually weak minded people quickly accepting others oppinions and the tend to link short associations with things.  For example I knew a girl who if she ate a grilled cheese sandwich and later than night had a headache, would blame it on the sandwich.  The two were probably not related but thats the way she was.  I've known a few men that way too so its not just a "gender" thing.  

Apparently canada and UK are full of these kinds of people.  Canada just made another attack on gun ownership just recently,  conveiently blaming the US for all their problem guns.  It seems to me that the "problem" wasn't the guns it was the yahoo's shooting them.  

In england they are now regulating kitchen knives due to too many stabbings in the streets.  

When are they going to understand that the "bad" people need controlled not the implements they use. They need a court system more prone to forcing someone to take personal responcibility of thier actions instead of scapegoating blame onto firearms.  

Sourdough, believe it or not thats not the first time I've had a woman think I needed an attitude adjustment.  Generally if they are reasonable women they come around once they see all the facts.  I don't take much crap and am really quite quick to vocalize my feelings,  on occasion rubbing a few people the wrong way.  Oddly enough I've had several men think I needed an attitude adjustment just haven't met one big enough to make one stick.   :wink:

Offline Sheila

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2006, 03:27:27 PM »
I think women like that are few.  I just wonder what would happen if  a wmoman came into to my house, and saw my guns, not to mention knives, a Fred Bear Sparrowhawk 2 bow, and a machete.  I'm a woman, and I own those thnigs, and I'm not ashamed of having guns, and hunting. The woman that  made a big stink in Bear's and Sourdough's house need to get a life, and mind their own business.

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Offline Sheila

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2006, 03:33:50 PM »
Quote from: Sourdough
Bear, Wife first said you need an attitude adjustment.  Then she reread the entire post, then said "OK, I'll cut him some slack this time.  Since he was dealing with a real Bimbo".  She also said joining the NRA was a good thing.  She's an NRA certified shooting instructor herself.  We had a similer incident ourselves a few years back.

    The wife and I were stationed at Holloman AFB.  We loved in Alamogordo NM.  One evening we had a get togeather inviting several friends, people we worked with, and their families.  Since there was going to be several kids present, I put all my guns, knives, and anything I did not want the kids to touch in a back bedroom and locked the door.  There was no evidence of guns, shooting, or hunting in the house for anyone to see.  One young dependant wife hit it off well with my wife.  This young woman helped my wife prepare things as needed, helped clean up as the evening passed.  Then asked if she could come back on another evening.  The young lady needed some help with a class she was taking, and my wife was an expert in the field.  I left the guns locked in the back room till after their visit feeling she would probably bring her kid (a 5 year old brat).  After that evening I got my guns out and went hunting.  The following Saturday afternoon ,y hunting buddy and I were cleaning our guns after spending the morning shooting Cayotes and Jackrabbits.  We had several guns disassembled and lying around the living room.  In walks this young lady and her brat, uninvited.  She got real upset that we had so many guns around.  She demanded that I put them away and lock them up right now, and expressed her displeasure with me for being a person to own so many guns.  I refused, I told her if she did not like it to get out.  She said "No" she was going to call the police and report me for putting her son in danger.  She was afraid that her son might get shot, and seemed to be approaching panic.  She called the city police, I ordered her and her brat off my place, the police arrived and she did a lot of yelling.  The outcome she was escorted off the street, the city magistrate, (just happened to be my next door neighbor and a good shooting/hunting buddy) issued a court order for her to not even come on to our street.  From then on any time the Judge wanted to rattle my cage, he threatened to lift her court order.  Gosh I was so mad that day, I really wanted to shoot someone.

Its your house, what business is it of her's? And I would vote that judge out.

United we stand against Ovomit.

Offline Thebear_78

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2006, 05:22:28 PM »
Sadly, from what I have seen there are more people, not just women, like that than there ever used to be.

Offline Brithunter

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2006, 06:16:37 AM »

     Tell me more about this regulation on Kitchen knives in England  :roll:  as this is the first I have heard of it and I live in Eastern England  :shock:

Offline sixgun_symphony

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Anti pissed me off so I upgraded to Lifetim
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2006, 04:30:12 PM »
Quote from: Brithunter

     Tell me more about this regulation on Kitchen knives in England  :roll:  as this is the first I have heard of it and I live in Eastern England  :shock:

 There is no regulation. A few years back some Labour politician made a proposal to regulate kitchen knives and got ignored by everyone but some pro-RTKBA people here in the states.
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