Author Topic: 700 tacticals and savage  (Read 874 times)

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Offline Rimfirekid1022

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700 tacticals and savage
« on: December 25, 2005, 04:55:10 PM »
I know this might question might be biased toward the Remingtons because this is the Remington section of this forum, but here it goes anyway.  I know I wanna get a tactical style .308 for just about every kind of huntin from big game to some varmints and paper in the summer.  Anyway  My Questions are: 1.)Which of these rifles has the best accuracy, a Savage model 10FP LE2A, a Remington 700 VSF (Varmint Synthetic Fluted), or a Remington 700 PSS?? 2.) Regardless of which of the above is the most accurate what kind of 5 shot 100 yard groups could I expect from these? 3.) What is about the average price for what you could find each of these rifles for? 4.) And last but not least which of these 3 would you choose?  Thanks everybody in advance!!
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Offline C.J

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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 11:48:39 AM »
hey when i first read your post i had to look at the name thought i wrote it because i did exactly what you want to do. this year i decided to get one centerfire rifle for all my shooting/hunting needs. i to wanted a tactical or varmint rifle due to the bull barrel and overall heavy feel i just really like heavy rifles and im in decent shape so carring it all day is not a problem. my choices were very similar to yours in the end i went with the rem 700p because 1. its got more aftermarket parts then anyother factory rifle which i might add become more affordable when you only have one rifle to setup 2. the stock is a really nice h.s. precision i like it alot, the savage is a great gun but you will most likely have to replace the stock with something more sturdy 3. it has a 26" barrel which i personally like although i have nothing against a 24" barrel which would be fine as well 4. it has a hinged floorplate as opposed to a blind mag 5. rem triggers can easily be adjusted i did mine its at 3.5 pounds which is perfect for me, not sure about accutrigger cause never played with one 6. price isnt that much more then a savage but i must add i live in canada and the shop i got it has more trouble getting savage then rem so that played a role for me. as for the gun i have right now its completely stock except the trigger was adjusted, i have a leupold vx-1 on it now which will be changed soon but this setup shot 3/4" group at 100yrds off a bipod with factory ammo this was after breaking in the barrel and was my last 3 rds so i can only speak of this one group i hope to get out again in the next week or so, anyway accuracy looks promissing especially when i get to my own reloads. any of the guns you are thinking about should do m.o.a with some work. you will be happy with any of them i think you just need to find the one right for you, for me it was the rem 700p

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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 12:45:14 PM »
just realised that the savage you are talking about is the one with a choate stock which isnt a bad stock but its quite bulky and is suited more toward prone shooting dont know if thats what your after but id try to handle one before you buy it cause a lot of people either love or hate that stock although it beats the heck out of savage's regular stock

there is a good review of that stock and the rem 700p stock as well as both guns on sniper country's website

Offline Rimfirekid1022

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« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 07:25:58 AM »
Thanks a lot C.J!  I'm gonna go with the reminton 700 PSS (its the same as the 700P, right?) because I like the looks of it better than the Savage and like you said the aftermarket parts are a lot more available and there are just more of them!!  I don't reload myself but I have some friends that do that could help me work up some loads for it for serious target work but for just shooting with factory ammo, what would you say is the most accurate factory stuff?  I've heard that the Federal Match Gold Medal ammo is the way to go for what im talkin about.  Also what would be a good deer hunting factory ammo choice?  Thanks,
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Offline C.J

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« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 05:35:52 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 05:39:24 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2006, 05:46:53 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2006, 05:52:44 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2006, 05:54:49 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2006, 06:05:09 AM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer round it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 12:13:53 PM »
your right the 700pss is now the 700p i think you will be quite pleased with it. as far as factory ammo goes i would try a bunch and see what works best but a really good start is the fed gold metal match although i have not tried it personally i hear it does good out of the 700's. go with the 168gr to start because the barrel has a 1in12" twist, it will shoot heavy bullets as well but i would try the 168's first and see what happens accuracy wise. for a good deer round it depends how far you want to shoot but the accubonds are really good and have a decent bc, or you could try ballistic tips.

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« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2006, 10:44:53 AM »
sorry about all the posts i dont know what happened

Offline Rimfirekid1022

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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 12:06:02 PM »
Thanks C.J.!  I think I'll try the gold medal match first for factory ammo targets and then I'll get my friend to help me work up some loads for it.  For hunting I would be shootin deer in Miss. where doe's will usually run around 120-150 lbs. and bucks I guess the average weight would be around 220 pounds but its kinda hard to say because a guy shot a nice 8 point down there on our farm in november that bottomed out our 300 pound scale!!  Shots would range from 80 yards to 300 yards give or take a few but the average shot ranging around 150 yards.  I have heard good things about the accubond!  A friend of mine uses th Accubonds in his 300 WSM and he shot about a 350 pound hog a couple weeks ago that just dropped in its tracks when he shot it.  What about any of the other Federal Premium factory loads??  What do you think the lightest weight bullet the 1 in 12" barrel would be able to shoot accurately.  Just think it would be funny to try and shoot some prairie dogs with it to see what happens and I think Hornady loads a 110 gr. V-Max in .308.  Thanks a lot!
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Offline C.J

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« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2006, 03:34:40 AM »
rimfire kid i think the accubonds will be near perfect for most of your hunting neads and i think nosler may be making a 165gr bullet which would be great for deer, today im making my first reloads for this gun and trying the 180gr accubond going to shoot tomorrow. for lightest bullet i dont know what will work just have to try it but if its for dogs why not use the 168gr bullets cause it would be better in the wind, barrel heat could be an issue but just take your time and make the shots count, and i bet when you do hit one it will know it :eek: . btw what scope are you putting on it i have been racking my brain trying to decide what i want

Offline Rimfirekid1022

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« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2006, 04:20:08 AM »
Ya you got a point shootin the 168 gr. at dogs!!  That would be pretty damn funny!!  Have you heard of Winchesters new XP3 bullet?  It sounds kind of like a Failsafe bullet except better.  Instead of having a steel insert like the Failsafe, it has a bonded lead core, and it has a polymer tip and boat tail design.  It's pretty neat how it works.  When the bullet strikes the animal its front peels back into 4 perfect pedals kind of like the Barnes TSX.  If the bullet strikes the animal at close range and at high velocities the back of the bullet where the lead core is will bulge out making the bullet a WHOLE lot bigger, but if it hits at far ranges and at slower velocities it just makes the four pedals and will retain 100% of its weight!!  Winchester only load for a .308 right now is a 150 gr. bullet but I am going to email them or call them and see if hey will make one in the 165-168 gr. range!!  For the scope I know I wanna put a Leupold Mark 4 LR/T (Long Range Target) scope on it but I can't decide what power to get.  I've got it down between a 4.5-14 or a 6.5-20 but I just can't decide.  What scope are you lookin at for yours?
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« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2006, 08:56:01 AM »
those win bullets ring a bell but i have dont know to much about them. are you going with the m3 or m1 knobs on the mark 4, i was considering the 3.5-10 power lrt with m3 knobs but it may be out of my price range and the clicks are kinda coarse for fine target shooting (1" vs m1 1/4") so im also looking at the pr series  4.5-14 with side focus seems like the best bet in my case at about $1000 canadian with mildot.

Offline Rimfirekid1022

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« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2006, 12:15:36 PM »
I would go with the M1 turrets on mine.  I really like the PR though too just because the turrets have caps.  I wouldn't wanna bump the turret with the M1 turrets and accident and have my zero completely knocked off without me knowin it.  The only thing is, I hate the look of a scope with a 40mm. obj, and a 30mm. tube.  I think it looks just goofy.  If they would make the 4.5-14 PR with a 50mm. obj.  I would be all over it and I would save some bucks.  About $300 to be precise!! Damn I wish they would!!  I wonder why they don't.  Or if they would just make the LR/T with target turrets like the PR that have caps!!  Oh well.
Where'd ya learn that rookie??...Drug School??~Farva