hey when i first read your post i had to look at the name thought i wrote it because i did exactly what you want to do. this year i decided to get one centerfire rifle for all my shooting/hunting needs. i to wanted a tactical or varmint rifle due to the bull barrel and overall heavy feel i just really like heavy rifles and im in decent shape so carring it all day is not a problem. my choices were very similar to yours in the end i went with the rem 700p because 1. its got more aftermarket parts then anyother factory rifle which i might add become more affordable when you only have one rifle to setup 2. the stock is a really nice h.s. precision i like it alot, the savage is a great gun but you will most likely have to replace the stock with something more sturdy 3. it has a 26" barrel which i personally like although i have nothing against a 24" barrel which would be fine as well 4. it has a hinged floorplate as opposed to a blind mag 5. rem triggers can easily be adjusted i did mine its at 3.5 pounds which is perfect for me, not sure about accutrigger cause never played with one 6. price isnt that much more then a savage but i must add i live in canada and the shop i got it has more trouble getting savage then rem so that played a role for me. as for the gun i have right now its completely stock except the trigger was adjusted, i have a leupold vx-1 on it now which will be changed soon but this setup shot 3/4" group at 100yrds off a bipod with factory ammo this was after breaking in the barrel and was my last 3 rds so i can only speak of this one group i hope to get out again in the next week or so, anyway accuracy looks promissing especially when i get to my own reloads. any of the guns you are thinking about should do m.o.a with some work. you will be happy with any of them i think you just need to find the one right for you, for me it was the rem 700p