I sure would not want to hunt during the rut (October for the Interior) The meat would be so rank no one could stand to get near it, let alone eat it. November is the time to hunt after the reguler season. I remember when the season started in September and lasted till Febuary. Most people did not hunt till November. I remember our neighbor killed a medium Bull in October, he dressed it out and brought it home. We were there one evening when he started to cook some of it, the wife and I left in a big hurry before it got done. His daughters left everytime he started to cook any of that meat, they eat at friends homes those nights. We must have fed those kids half of the winter. Then somehow their freezer came unplugged and the lid just opened up all by itself while they were on a trip to Anchorage, all that Moose meat had to be throwen away. He had given some to me earlier, my Huskey was the only one that liked it. He got everybit of it.