I use 117 gr Hornady's in my 25-06 and have never recovered a bullet! How tuff does the bullet need to be? I've shot at targets to a measured 300 yds and target's of opertunity farther, how far do you need to shoot?
The deer I've shot all went down within 20 or 25 yds of where they were hit, how dead is dead enough?
Well...seems to me...a more proper answer would go something like this...even though some may not agree with it.:roll:
Try several of the bullets mentioned if you have the time and money...and try them at
all the ranges you may encounter on your hunts...and from all the shooting positions you will be using...What may shoot well in your rifle may not shoot worth a durn in mine or anyone elses... If you plan on utilizing the rifle to it's fullest potintial...then you will need to try some long range shooting with the different bullets...be it at 250 yards...or 400...or whatever
your longest shooting distances will be and when you find a accurate load...you should practice regularly at all of the yardages you intend to shoot..Shooting long distances accurately requires lots of practice with the load your using..and that doesn't come from reading about it..it requires you to go out and shoot in all of the type conditions you will encounter..be it windy/calm/snowing/raining/hot/cold/first light/last light..you have to know how it will work ....As too your bullet selection for deer...a-lot will depend on how
you want the bullet to react on impact and when passing thru the animal..some of the bonded bullets will preform better in holding together retaining weight and mushrooming better and some of the more frangable bullets cores will seperate from the jacket..The partitions will shed a-lot of it's front half and still keep the rear portion intact to make a deep penatration track...the X bullets of barnes
should hold together and mushroom nicely still retaining most of it's weight...Like I said...on bullet preference..it will be up to you on how you want it to preform on impact and on passing thru the animal... All of the bullets mentioned so-far will kill a deer...if you don't care how the bullet preforms on the inside of a animal..then use whatever shoots the best from your rifle..It's all a matter of personal preference really..and mostly it will depend on how they preform from your rifle..For varmints..I would try some of the lighter weight varmint bullets and see which one gives you the best accuracy..and then try it out at
all the distances you will likely to be shooting...while some here may say you don't need to shoot over some magical yardage..The distances you shoot will entirely depend on
your requirements and needs and the performance of whatever bullet you choose to use, from your rifle....and nothing else..