Hello. Can anyone tell me who makes the auto 5 shotgun that NEF is selling? I know it is made in turkey but I dont know by who. I just bought one today. I tried 5 shots out of it just to see how it works and what the recoil was like. The shotgun jammed 4 out of 5 shots. It ejected the fired hull but it did not raise the next shell to be chambered by the bolt. When I pulled the bolt back by hand the shell then raised and the bolt pushed it into the chamber. I suspect (take that to mean hope) the shotgun needs cleaned. I think there may be to much oil on the gas cylinder and that may be slowing down the backward action of the bolt. It may not be comming back quite far enough to pick up the next shell. But when bolt pulled open my had it works fine. I will try again afte cleaning the gun.
It is brand new and these were the first five shots through it. Does anyone else have one of these new NEF auto 5 shotguns?
Nebraska Kelly