I have a 2x Leupold mounted on my Super Redhawk 7.5inch 44mag. I had to lap my rings before mounting, as the castings on the inside were rough with raised spots. I can't recommend the Leupold highly enough. Some probably do better, but I can consistently get 1.5 inch groups at 50yds with it. This is more than good enough to effectively bring down game the size of hogs, black bear, and deer. I have also reduced the sear, taken out trigger creep, and polished all contacting surfaces on the action with a dremel tool, buffing wheel, and gunmetal polish. There's no more gritty feel or creep, which in return has helped my accuracy. Before, it felt like I had to pull the trigger 1/8inch back before the gun would fire. This anticipation was ruining my accuracy. I don't recommend this to a novice, as you could make the gun unsafe, and injure yourself or others. If unsure, have a qualified gunsmith do an action job for you. BTW, I still have the factory trigger and hammer springs installed. The polishing did more than enough improvement for me. I wouldn't recommend installing a reduced power hammer spring, because when I pull the trigger on a bear, I want the gun to go bang! It's kind of fun to experiment until you get it just right. A good gun is like a good running truck. They're just too good to let go of. :wink: