I haven't shot those, but I used the Gold Magnums that are made for a rifled barrel this season. They were ok, I have shot other rifled slugs that were more accurate but your gun my be different. It killed the deer I shot with it.
They still fouled my barrel out pretty fast though, not much different than the winchester rifled slugs I tried for half the price. I'm going to pony up the money next year and go with a modern sabot like the Winchester Platinums or something.
Oh, and you may be able to sight the rifle in with them, like get it on paper but not zero it. When you switch the sabots there is a good chance your impact point will shift. I've noticed my H&R is very picky with different ammo in this regards. I can shoot different kinds of ammo that will group well, but actually impact in different spots. First find one that groups well, then fine tune your zero. And don't change ammo without checking your zero again before hunting with it. It may not always change, but it can.