Had a Blackhawk 357 convertable had the 4 5/8" barrel (came with a 9mm cylinder - fun but not very accurate), Not enough oomph for deer beyond 50 yards for me. Traded that for a Super BH 44mag with 7.5" barrel, now 75-100 yards were in range. Very accurate, but as someone said the grips were a little short for my hand. Always liked the way it came up on target though, great point and shoot gun with open sights. Now I've got a Super Redhawk 44mag with a 9 1/2" barrel with a 2x scope...sweet! 100yards definitely! But you gotta like it, some folks here and some of those I hunt with think it's too heavy, I don't. I put it in a bandolier holster and can walk all day with it. You're not going to quick draw it and 'gun down that varmint' but since you're deer hunting and shooting it single action to begin with, usually from a rest of some sort, I don't think it's ungainly at all. Trigger in single action is fine, could you make it better? I guess you could, but it's great for hunting with gloves on, any lighter and I'd be worried about "feel" with the gloves on. I've never met a double action trigger I liked, but for a quick follow up if you're hunting something that might be coming AT you after you shoot it there's nothing like a double action. Loaned it out this deer season, 'cause I went to a Contender in .30 Bellm (Illinois legal) with a 2.5-7x Burris. The Contender weighs about the same as the SRH. Buddy's got an Anaconda with scope that shoots well, and I sight them both in every year. I like my Ruger better, but it's looks and feel mostly, accuracy is about the same with quality ammo. Best advice anyone's given you so far is to go handle them and get what feels right. If you like it, you will shoot it, if you shoot it you will get good with it. Now that the Blackhawk comes in stainless I might start looking at that again for a backup deer gun and sell my SRH (and get a 480 to fill the DA hole :lol: ).
Helicopter Bill