I have a pair of Cimarrons, bought as a 44 Special and 44 Colt, in which I usually shoot 44 Russian. 18 gr of Black with the Black Dawge bullet is a wonderful load, smooth, smokey and low recoil. Also shoots fine with trail boss smokeless.
The 72 Opentop will shoot a whole match without fouling to a stop.
I also have 38 Special and 45 Schofield barrels and cylinders for my guns, but I like the 44's better.
The Schofield of course, has more recoil, as it uses more powder. The Schofield rim is as large as anything could ever be to push through the loading gate, and the cylinder does look thin, but I haven't heard of any complaints of bulged chambers, etc.
In 38 the gun is heavier, and doesn't feel as well balanced. I haven't shot 38 with black powder, so can't comment.