Don't fret, TOMMYY01. You'll get it back. Your probably a little impatient. Remember, they can see movement from a long way and there are no leaves on the trees these days to shield you.
In the early season while the leaves are still on the trees, I'll walk and often change location. But when the leaves are gone I'll get to a spot and stay there for some time, depending on the activity. When I do move, its slow and deliberate.
I stopped hunting for about fifteen years. When I picked it back up four years ago, I started out hunting squirrels. It took a few times for me to calm down and relax. Now I'm amazed at just how close they get and in some locations I hunt I've knocked down two and three within fifteen minutes of each other. Used to be that once you took a shot, it took a while for the woods to get quiet again.
I've had them come up on me so close that I couldn't shoot. Its a hoot!
Good Luck.