In case one of the nice folks on this forum doesn't already have the load sheet SSK sends out with its barrels (they could either fax it or scan it and attach it to an email message to you), you might try what I did.
I sent SSK a request with a $1.00 bill for the load info with a stamped and self-addressed envelope. I also asked them for the "trim-to" length so I would know how best to trim the cases for the used SSK barrel I bought. I got the load info and "trim-to" length in the mail in just a few days. JD is a capitalist, so I felt that money (however small in quantity) would probably get his attention - it worked, and so does the load data.
It is unlikely that JD will share the case dimensions with you, although there are probably other sources you might be able to find if you search hard enough. I don't have software like RCBS load, but that and similar programs may have the cartridge dimensions in their databases that might be of some help to you.
I hope this helps.