Well I was over excited this morning (going yote hunting) when I drove up from my house to my parents and forgot an important piece of equipment. I have one of those soft cases that hold a complete gun and an extra barrel in the side pocket. Well the 12 gauge slug barrel was on the gun so I just through the 220 Swift barrel in the pocket and zipped it up.. :shock: you might see where this is going. NO *&%?>&% forend was on the barrel when I went to put it together tonight. It was on my other barrel at home.
Now for the "what I do" part. Went to three different store in the area and none had a forend, Gander Mt. in Grand Rapids did have a very nice frame though...blued frame with the best looked wood I've seen on an Encore. :twisted: <--- he popped up on my shoulder and I just had to buy it. Had to be done, right? If you saw this wood grain you'd do the same. Actually had a light finish with a burl pattern in the stock. All the Encore's I've seen to date have had a darker finish with a straight grain walnut.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to take my lumps! What's a guy to do, now I have to coupe with two frames and 4 barrels. Darn the luck. :cry: