When I look at the history of the Civil War, I see one major cause being the rights and causes of the Southern(country) citizens, being overwhelmed by the shear number of voters and their majority representation in Congress of the North(Urban) citizens.
I see one heck of a parallel forming. Right now the states that have the most representation in Congress are the states with the really big cities and mostly urban or sub-urban lifestyles. The states that are primarily farmland or of a country lifestyle and nature lack that representation in Congress. Even within the individual states the rights of the city dwellers are given consideration before those rights or needs of the farmland and country areas. I see this at almost every election here in PA. With Philadelphia and Pittsburg carrying the majority of Pennsylvanian votes, we in the middle of the state don't have much to say when it comes to elections, even though we are called upon to help pay for the costs of the big cities.
BTW, slavery would have nothing to do with this war either!