I'll be getting it in .300rum, only because the .338rum isnt being offered.
I don't mind my rifles being heavy. The VLS and VSF arent light and they are a joy 2 shoot. Theres something about a light rifle that doesnt feel right to me, like the Mountain Rifle I had in .30-06 for about 10 years, damn mule kicker, lol. I love long range shooting/hunting and my confidence sky rockets when I know Ive got a well built, very sturdy tool for the job.
The .338rum on past Senderos were the best sellers. You can still find them in 7mm mag and .300winmag, but never the .338rum. Thats why I find it odd its not atleast being offered in this '06 line.
Thanks for the price explanation, oh and was it in the magazine you mentioned? If so, was a weight noted? Im assuming itll be atleast 8.5 lbs like the current VS SF II and VSF that have fluted barrels. Thats lighter than the VLS by 3/4 of a lb thanks to the barrel fluting.
Thanks for replying and putting up with the madness
Oh and on a side note, Im probably going to send it off to JP to get their brake put on and let them cryotreat the barrel so the first cold shot shoots the same as all the others. Ive seen it first hand and its not a gimmick. I just hope they dont remove the sexy black flutes on the barrel during the process :-D I'll email them right now and ask.