Mostly the problem with shooting shorter cartridges in chambers comes from high pressure rounds fitted in tight chambers, i.e. shooting .45 Colt in the Freedom Arms Model 83 chambered for .454 Casull. Most shooters do not take the time to really clean the bullet lube, carbon, etc. from the chambers prior to switching over to whatever Casull loading they have. Having this constrictio in an already very high pressure round lends itself to problems. The best practice, as previously stated, is to load to whatever level of performance needed at the time or use a smaller gun. Loading .44 magnums to between 1000 to 1200 fps gives a very managable, yet effective round to plink with.
I have shot Specials (both 38 and 44) out of the respective magnums for years and had no problems. I can also load down for plinking rounds if I do not feel like doing a lot of cleaning. Just depends on how froggy I feel at the time.