Well all is well with the ammo shipment, it's in North Carolina already...no problem at the UPS terminal, ( or so I thought) the woman there put a couple of blue ORM-D sticlers on it, wrote "amall arms ammo" on it in red marker pen and off it went. I later recieved a message (e-mail) the shipment went out, then rather quickley recieved another saying the shipment was voided!!! I again hopped in my truck and returned to the UPS terminal (my third trip there regarding this shipment!!) anyway, she called a superior and was informed 2 things, since the person on the other end of the phone knew her personally the shipment would go out, and also that she should also write "cartridges" on the outside of the box, why I have no idea, but the bottom line is it's almost to it's destination, and in only a couple of days too....<><.... :grin: