Author Topic: Ramblings on anti war protesters!!  (Read 617 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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Ramblings on anti war protesters!!
« on: March 18, 2003, 08:22:10 PM »
I was asked to be on our local news because of my patriotic views :) because I called the local tv station and complained about a woman they had on for 2 nights crying because her baby was going to war and she was anti war protesting. I told them what part of the definition of soldier do you not understand one who fights for and protects their country/ not one who serves so they can go to school and be taught by goofy college professors. I told them she had no room to ***** as the Armed Service is voluntary and he made his decision to go for what ever reason. They said they would interview me if they did another war piece and that was a month ago and then yesterday they called and wanted me to voice my views on the upcomming war. They did like they always do only took a fraction of what a person said in the interview to put on the air and did not use any of the good stuff like abolishing the UN Oh Well. I got my point across and then I was followed by 3 anti war college professors stating their view. Kinda lop sided 3 anti's to my pro patriotic stance. Typical but at least I got to go on before them and of course in my gruffy bearded outdoorsey way much better looking :):):)
Have you noticed that these college professors that are war protesting (and there are a lot of them at least in my neck of the woods) are teaching our young people total bull crap these days instead of what they should be learning. Talk about a bunch of leftist liberal Communist,but then I guess there has always been a few oddballs on campus :( Jim
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Jack Crevalle

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Ramblings on anti war protesters!!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 01:35:24 AM »
The news media has been no less bias on this than anything else.

I was watching FOX News yesterday and they had on a retired General who was predicting that whole regions of Iraqs army might surrender at the start of hosilities, that Sodom knows this and has chosen to concentrate most of his defenses around Bagdad. How did he get this information? It seems that for weeks defectors, including ones from elite units, have been crossing the Turkish border and being debriefed by not only intellegence operatives BUT NEWS REPORTERS! BUT I HAVE NOT HEARD ONE WORD OF THIS UNTIL NOW!