Author Topic: Coyote Hunting  (Read 234 times)

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Coyote Hunting
« on: February 12, 2006, 07:19:21 AM »
took my son out last weekend to see if we could not call in some filthy coyotes.He had been with me many times,But only to listen and learn,this time I let him bring a shotgun he won at the friends of the NRA banquet.It is a single shot 20ga.that will except 3" shells.pretty nice begginers gun.any way he has been to the shootin range with it and blasted lot of target loads down range,so I bought some 20ga,3"mags #3buckshot.
we got to our 1st spot and started callin.under two minutes this young dog comes runnin in and I stop him right in front of the boy child.the dog is not lookin our way.I tell him shoot him and slowly he brings the gun to bear on the dog,the dog catchs the movement and turns and looks right at him.the whole load of shot hit him in the head.down he went.I said hurry and put another round in and started comes a big ole dog I stop the dog in front of him and he is behind a bush I tell him wait.I can make him come closer and soon as he comes from behind the bush,Blast his a--,It seemd to take fer ever to get that ole dog to come from behind the bush.but he did,and the boy child lets loose.good hit but the dog bolted and ran.pop had to bring the H&K super 90 to bare on him for a finishing all this was happenin,another dog came runnin through the dance floor.the super 90 stoked with #4buck mags cut loose a volley of three shells which crumpled the dog.was a good day we had a photo session with the boy child and will have the photos enlarged and framed for him.we R headed  out soon as I get off work this mornin and I am going to let him take his 7mm-08 that he got from me for passin hunter ed with such a good score this year.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.