I hunted with a 300 savage Mod 99 Savage for 20 years, killing I guess at least 30 deer with it, and have never quit loving the gun. But the short neck makes fitting cast bullets a bit of a challenge, if one is trying to buy conventional stock molds. But custom fitting will give excellent results the first time every time.
Send me a swaged throat slug, as explained in my catalog, and a dummy round loaded with a jacketed bullet seated to maximum length which will run smoothly through the action. I'll fill all usable space with bullet, keeping the gascheck barely inside the case neck. This will give you the maximum weight your particular rifle will handle, and with cast, as a general rule, heaviest weight makes the longest working range, so far as expansion using single alloy bullets. (Not softnose.) You should be able to get excelent game performance withou using softnoses out to at least 200 yards, and possibly 300, depending on which rifle you have. You will probably find all the answers you need in my book, regarding how to get long range expansion, and I'll help if you don't.