Author Topic: Please Surrender Quickly!!!  (Read 1173 times)

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Offline S.S.

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« on: March 21, 2003, 09:01:03 AM »
I have never seen anything like what just happened
in Iraq.  I think that it had to be done, But I pray
to God that we don't have to do it again.
'Shock and Awe' does not describe that!
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 02:47:55 AM »
Quote from: S.Sumner
I have never seen anything like what just happened
in Iraq.  I think that it had to be done, But I pray
to God that we don't have to do it again.
'Shock and Awe' does not describe that!

S.Sumner I seen this before its like hunting season in CT? Nothing is safe too yes its that bad guns being fired in all directions(like a war). I don't hunt in my home state most guys go to shoot so they don't have to pay local range. I hunt in Vermont half way up the state because my Ct. hunters hunt the southern part of Vermont too so bought a place a little further up to be among the green mountain boys where I know its safe. They know the difference between people, horses and cows and what deer looks like too.(kidding but true)

Now to the war very sad?? it had to come to this but we must put on a big show of force so maybe there will be peace when its over(no one will mess with us) but it could back fire on us too. I just don't know what to think anymore. My jaw dropped when the first missles came in, then the whole rivers edge lit up and you could hear the voices change in the reporters they must of got shaken up too. We blew up 20+ buildings in 10 minutes? Did Iraq make them leave or did they get scared out? Definitely no place to be camped out at, and no put another shrimp on the barbie there!!!! A great way to cook marshmellows though??? We are only dropping 2,000lb bombs whats going to happen when we drop the new 5,000lb bomb?? Why don't these clowns just give up?? Surrender and save their butts??

I'm not for or against war its very sad it has come to this my prayers go out for all our boys and gals to come home safe. I also pray for those who sacrificed their lives for us already and their families too. I also pray it doesn't start world war 3 before this is over. stay safe GodBless  BigBill

Offline Mainspring

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 08:15:49 PM »
Hey BigBill - you can keep your dinky 5,000 lb bomb...I want to see them cook off one of those 21,500 pounders.  Now THAT would be worth the price of admission...
The key to winning a gun fight is to take your time...quickly

If you continue to think as you've always thought, you'll continue to get what you've always got...Is it enough?

Offline 1911crazy

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2003, 05:42:56 AM »
Quote from: Mainspring
Hey BigBill - you can keep your dinky 5,000 lb bomb...I want to see them cook off one of those 21,500 pounders.  Now THAT would be worth the price of admission...

I'm sure we will see the daisy cutters soon that they have captured some of our guys. We sould "ROCK" their little sand dune world for sure. They just continue to piss us off more!!!                     BigBill

Offline Advocate

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2003, 01:40:02 AM »
If the Iraqi army invaded the United States, would you surrender quickly or fight to the death for your country?

Offline Jack Crevalle

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2003, 02:40:18 AM »
Quote from: Advocate
If the Iraqi army invaded the United States, would you surrender quickly or fight to the death for your country?

In this scenario:

Does the President circumvent the democratic process and escentially make himself dictator for life through murder and intimidation?

Does the President kill say,  the ethically nordic civilian population of minnesota using poison gas without regard to age, sex or any other consideration?

Does the President march into Congress one day with the Secret Service, lock the doors and have the names of his political enemies or even suspected political enemies called out, after which they are escorted out and executed along with their families? Is this video taped and is he smiling and laughing during this process?

Does the President encourage the use of torture and rape to stay in control?

Does the President invade Mexico to take over it's oil fields and then loot it's riches and then torutre and kill it's civilian population as he leaves?

Does the President send money to the families of suicide bombers who kill Israeli women and children? Not to mention arab women and children since they attack indiscriminately.

Does the President send emissaries to meet in third countries with terrorists who subsequently blow up 2000 civilian men, women and children?

Does our President, in your scenario, maintain terrorist training camps?

Does our President, when the war begins, dress his troops in the uniform of the enemy and shoot American soldiers who surrender just like the SS did in the final days of NAZI Germany?

Some how it doesn't sound like my United States I'd be defending.

Offline 1911crazy

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2003, 04:28:45 AM »
Quote from: Advocate
If the Iraqi army invaded the United States, would you surrender quickly or fight to the death for your country?

If they invaded my country I would fight and hold them off till help comes for sure as most americans would too. Nobody will take our freedom from us and GOD help them if they try.              BigBill

What you see on TV is nothing like we could really do if we were really pissed off.

Offline Advocate

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2003, 01:49:58 PM »
BigBill:  Would you fight to the death against a foreignor who wanted to come to the USA and (1) Register all guns, (2) Search your home without a warrant or without notice to you, (3) Secretly gain access to your bank accounts, credit records, medical records, emails and telephone records (4) Declare you a "terrorist" so that you could be stripped of your American citizenship  and (5) held without bail (6) without the right to counsel (7) without the right of a jury trial  (8)  without the right of a speedy trial (you could be imprisoned indefinietely like the Afghan  POW's we're holding in Guantanamo)  and (9)  subject to torture?

Would you resist the takeover of this country by foreignors who wanted to do all of the above?

Offline Mainspring

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2003, 06:51:51 PM »
Advocate, if I were already living under the conditions you 98% of those living in Iraq have been for the better part of 30 years (with the added benifit of summary executions, en mass...and the knowlege that my government has established ties with known terrorist organizations AND a proclivity for using chemical weapons against my countrymen) I suppose that I'd just have to see which way the free food and medical relief winds were blowing.
The key to winning a gun fight is to take your time...quickly

If you continue to think as you've always thought, you'll continue to get what you've always got...Is it enough?

Offline 1911crazy

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2003, 03:24:33 AM »
This is not the place for this. The rest of the worlds problems doesn't matter to me as long as my family & country is safe from harm. I'm not for war or against it but I have to back our country's decision 100% on what they are doing for they know more than meets the eye about it.

I pray everyone comes home safe our boys and gals are putting their lives in harms way for our country. Godbless everyone!! I wish I was there.

Offline S.S.

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2003, 07:30:23 AM »
    I would gladly give my life in protection of my family or country.
but not for a crazy S.O.B. like Hussein.  If some one tried to make
me go into battle under threat of them killing me or my family if I didn't.
Yea, I would take the gun they were trying to give me and shoot them
with it.
   We can all say what we would do if we were over there in Iraq,
but mark my words, The fight WILL come to us here.
This War will not end. It will go on as long as there is people of the
Islamic Faith to hate us!
They have infiltrated the U.S. for decades as students, doctors,
Clerics,Teachers,politicians,actors, The list goes on and on.
   Life as we knew it ended on Sept 11, We are all at War
and will be until Islam no longer exists. When it comes right
down to it, This is a Religous War. The Fanatics think that if they die
Killing us then they will have their place in PARADISE with their
70 virgins. I say that we need to make Martyrs out of them
all and get it over with !!!
   Folks keep saying that we are doing the bidding of Israel !
Well I say that the enemy of my enemy is my friend !
And if my friend needs help destroying our enemy then I will help!
  I normally don't get "Political", But I am so tired of people who
enjoy their freedoms and safety but Fuss & whine & moan about
Peace & Love and give "Can't we all just get along in a rosy world" Speeches when someone goes to fight for that freedom.
  It is really strange how people were all PATRIOTIC after 9/11,
Flying their flags and Bubbling over with patriotism.
But now they seem to have forgotten why they did it!
And I think we should wipe those who did it and those who
support them off the face of the earth.
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline savageT

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Please Surrender Quickly!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2003, 10:06:31 AM »
OK, Everyone.........

Take a deep breath and step back before this becomes another "Hawk and Dove" shoving match.  Not the place for these issues on this forum.

savageT........Have you hugged a '99 lately?

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I miss my mind the most.

Offline buckweet

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im with s.sumner ??
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2003, 06:13:09 PM »
savageT ??
im siding with s.sumner.....
and yes i took a deep breath..and a step back...
thought about what hes saying,?? and....hes right !!!!
2 cents worth

im off the subject too