I will first assume you are wanting to hunt coyotes....prairie dogs (although we have millions) are protected on the eastern plains on PUBLIC LAND......... on private land is a different matter. Few areas on the eastern plains are public anyway. Forget hunting close to the city....not goin to happen so plan on at least 60-70 mile drive ...probably farther. I go as far as 220 miles...one way. If you don't like asking permission head north to the Pawnee National Grasslands....north and east of Greeley farther east in the grasslands you go the less pressure you will contend with. If you have no issues with asking ....go up north around Sterling and west and pound on doors. You can also go to the mountains but you have to be very selective about where and when....there are far more hikers and backcountry skiers than one would realize. North and west at out Ft. Collins might be a good place to start.