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Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #60 on: March 15, 2006, 01:36:54 AM »
I agree with your post 100%. Set one limitation, then it gets to be more and more.

NONYA it is more than just New York wanting to Ban the 50 BMG. I get the news letters for the Fifty Caliber Shooters Association and see all the legislation proposals. You my want to pay them a visit.
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Offline victorcharlie

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« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2006, 02:25:31 AM »
Quote from: Redhawk1
I agree with your post 100%. Set one limitation, then it gets to be more and more.

NONYA it is more than just New York wanting to Ban the 50 BMG. I get the news letters for the Fifty Caliber Shooters Association and see all the legislation proposals. You my want to pay them a visit.

Yep.....and I can't think of one time the .50BMG has been used during a crime......and haven't heard of anyone hit by a stray .50BMG bullet.
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Offline Mac11700

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« Reply #62 on: March 15, 2006, 03:55:22 AM »
I know what I said to the vast majority of good folks sounds crazy...and I also know that the vast majority of folks will never use a 50 BMG for this screwed up world we live in.. the way the opposittion works is to tie what we use to hunting..and the words they use in their legislation is No Sporting it right they do's not..Hunting isn't what the 2nd Admenment is's what has saved some of the choices we have in firearms today...

I understand all the risk involved in using it...I am a responsible adult...If I ever did use one..and someone got hurt...I should be the one held responsible for my actions...not you..or anyone else...and that Right to use it...should be mine and yours to make as a responsible shouldn't be taken away becuse of something that might happen in New York..or California...or because 1 criminal might decide to shoot someone at sometime in a big city...There will always be criminals and stupid people in the world...doing things that they aren't or shouldn't do...We can't change this...and it's just the same excuse they use  to make legislation to protect all those innocent people...Why is it that all hunters have to be responsible for everyone that picks up a rifle...we get put under the microscope all to often...and I'm just weary of it...but more so very leery of anyone saying I shouldn't be allowed to use any paticular all goes hand in hand with those who want to take our guns away from us...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline msorenso

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« Reply #63 on: March 15, 2006, 09:44:11 AM »
Mac & Red hawk thanks for having the only posts worth reading!
 Thank you again :D

Offline dukkillr

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« Reply #64 on: March 15, 2006, 10:51:32 AM »
Yep.....and I can't think of one time the .50BMG has been used during a crime......and haven't heard of anyone hit by a stray .50BMG bullet.

I heard this line somewhere else here months ago.  50s have been used in crimes.  One notable example came 60 miles from me when I guy shot up a firetruck and ambulance and (I believe) killed a paramedic.  I posted a link to the story in the KC Star at the time.  This is not a statement about the value of banning the 50 at all, only a clarification because I've seen this incorrectly claimed before.

Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #65 on: March 15, 2006, 11:58:10 AM »
VPC offers extensive (though one-sided) material about the .50 caliber rifle. For instance, VPC lists the crimes committed with the .50 caliber since 1989. VPC could find 13 crimes over a 16 year period, and most of those involved illegal possession or sale.
Criminal Use of the 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle
"The simple fact is that .50-calibers have not been used in crimes,"
NRA spokesman Andrew Arulandam, Associated Press, August 18, 2004

In March of 2005, Kyle Harness of Marina del Rey, California, was arrested after being pulled over on a traffic stop and found to be in possession of a stolen Armalite 50 caliber sniper rifle. Harness was stopped for having a broken taillight and false registration tags, and was on parole for armed robbery at the time of his arrest. (“Officer Finds Rifle in Parolee’s Car,” Daily Breeze, March 15, 2005)

In June of 2004, Marvin Heemeyer of Granby, Colorado, plowed a makeshift armored bulldozer into several buildings in response to a zoning dispute and fines for city code violations. Heemeyer armored his 60-ton bulldozer with two sheets of half-inch steel with a layer of concrete between them. He methodically drove the bulldozer through the town of Granby, damaging or leveling 13 buildings before taking his own life. Heemeyer mounted three rifles on the bulldozer, including a Barrett 82A1 50 caliber sniper rifle. ("Man who plowed armored bulldozer into seven buildings in Colorado is dead, authorities say," Associated Press, June 5, 2004; "Armored Dozer Was Bad to Go," Denver Rocky Mountain News, June 25, 2004)
Slide show of the interior of Heemeyer's bulldozer from the Denver Post

In February of 2004, Donin Wright of Kansas City, Missouri, lured police officers, paramedics, and firefighters to his home where he shot at them with several guns including a Barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle. Authorities discovered at least 20 guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and the makings of 20 pipe bombs inside Wright's home. ("Body is Identified in KC Gunfight, Fire," The Kansas City Star, March 30, 2004)
Slide show of the crime scene from

In June of 2000, Robert W. Stewart of Mesa, Arizona, a convicted felon, was charged with felony possession of firearms for being in possession of Maadi-Griffin 50 caliber "kit guns" he was selling from his home, along with other firearms alleged to be in his possession. Stewart has become a folk hero among hard-line gun advocates and 50 caliber enthusiasts. He was distinguished, among other things, by his assertion that convicted felons have the right to possess firearms: "I don't care if he's a mass murderer, he killed 50,000 people. He still has a right to have a gun. A gun is just a tool." (MSNBC transcript, "The .50-caliber militia,", May 15, 2001)

In April of 2000, convicted felon Wayne Frank Barbuto of Salt Lake City, Utah, was charged with attempting to sell two 50 caliber sniper rifles to undercover federal agents. The government believes Barbuto manufactured the guns himself. During a search of Barbuto's home, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents discovered more than 32 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition. ("Sandy Gun Dealer Charged by Feds," The Associated Press, May 5, 2000)

According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), 50 caliber sniper rifles have been found in the armories of drug dealers in California, Missouri, and Indiana. A federal investigation in 1999 was "targeting the movement of .50 caliber semi-automatic rifles from the United States to Mexico for use by drug cartels." ("Weaponry: .50 Caliber Rifle Crime," GAO Office of Special Investigations letter, August 4, 1999)

On March 19, 1998, following an undercover investigation, federal law enforcement officers arrested three members of a radical Michigan group known as the North American Militia. The men were charged with plotting to bomb federal office buildings, destroy highways, utilities, and public roads, and assassinate the state's governor, senior U.S. Senator, federal judges, and other federal officials. All three were ultimately convicted. A 50 caliber sniper rifle was among the weapons found in their possession. ("Prosecutor: Hate Was Motive Behind Plot," The Associated Press, November 18, 1998)

Wisconsin father and son James and Theodore Oswald were sentenced in 1995 to multiple life terms for armed robbery and the murder of a Waukesha police captain. The two had "a small armory of sophisticated and expensive weapons, including two custom-made .50-caliber rifles powerful enough to assault an armored car—which the two were considering doing," according to the Waukesha county sheriff. ("Possible Links Between Robbers, Far Right Sought," Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1995)

In the summer of 1995, Canadian officials in British Columbia found a Barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle, 500 rounds of ammunition, and enough explosives to fill a five-ton truck at a remote site. It is believed that members of a Texas militia group planned to set up a training camp at the site. Although at least one convicted felon was identified as a suspect, the investigation was dropped due to difficulties in prosecuting across international borders. The incident prompted one Texas Constitutional Militia official to observe, "We are not all raving maniacs. I'd kind of like to keep our lunatics on our side of the border." ("Arms Smugglers Won't Be Charged," The Vancouver Sun, October 26, 1996)

On April 28, 1995, Albert Petrosky walked into an Albertson's grocery store in suburban Denver, Colorado, and gunned down his estranged wife and the store manager. Armed with an L.A.R. Grizzly 50 caliber sniper rifle, an SKS Chinese semiautomatic assault rifle, a .32 revolver, and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, Petrosky then walked out into the shopping center parking lot, where he exchanged fire with a federal IRS agent and killed Sgt. Timothy Mossbrucker of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. Petrosky, who was known to his friends as "50-cal Al," fired all four weapons, including the 50 caliber rifle, during his murderous rampage. ("Authorities Investigate Gun Sale: Rifle Used in Albertson's Slayings Wasn't Illegal," Rocky Mountain News, May 1, 1995)

Branch Davidian cult members at a compound in Waco, Texas, fired 50 caliber sniper rifles at federal ATF agents during their initial gun battle on February 28, 1993. The weapons' ability to penetrate tactical vehicles prompted the agency to request military armored vehicles to give agents adequate protection from the 50 caliber rifles and other more powerful weapons the Branch Davidians might have had. Four ATF agents were killed. ("Weaponry: .50 Caliber Rifle Crime," GAO Office of Special Investigations letter, August 4, 1999)

On February 27, 1992, a Wells Fargo armored delivery truck was attacked in a "military style operation" in Chamblee, Georgia, by several men using a smoke grenade and a Barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle. Two employees were wounded. ("Two Armored Truck Guards Shot," The Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 27, 1992)

In 1989, two members of a church in Gardner, Montana, who were part of what ATF has described as a "doomsday religious cult," were arrested and charged with federal firearms violations. The two suspects had purchased hundreds of firearms, including ten 50 caliber semiautomatic rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition, using false identification. ("Weaponry: .50 Caliber Rifle Crime," GAO Office of Special Investigations letter, August 4, 1999)
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Offline NONYA

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« Reply #66 on: March 15, 2006, 12:29:13 PM »
Thats why the govt has a hardon for .50s,they penetrate everything that makes them feel indestructable.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline Mac11700

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« Reply #67 on: March 15, 2006, 07:20:20 PM »
Why is it that legal law abiding citizens have to be put under the microscope for what hardend criminals do? What a crock..every time a criminal does something illegal..our wonderfull elected officials have to  pull their collective heads out of their backsides..and try to ban another type gun...well hold on to what you got...and go get what you can..cause I have a feeling we are in for a rough ride in a couple years as far as our rights are concerned....

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2006, 01:10:55 AM »
Quote from: Mac11700
Why is it that legal law abiding citizens have to be put under the microscope for what hardend criminals do? What a crock..every time a criminal does something illegal..our wonderfull elected officials have to  pull their collective heads out of their backsides..and try to ban another type gun...well hold on to what you got...and go get what you can..cause I have a feeling we are in for a rough ride in a couple years as far as our rights are concerned....


Mac11700, how true. All the Democraps looking to get into office are anti-gun.  :twisted:
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Offline victorcharlie

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« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2006, 04:35:52 AM »
Quote from: Redhawk1
Quote from: Mac11700
Why is it that legal law abiding citizens have to be put under the microscope for what hardend criminals do? What a crock..every time a criminal does something illegal..our wonderfull elected officials have to  pull their collective heads out of their backsides..and try to ban another type gun...well hold on to what you got...and go get what you can..cause I have a feeling we are in for a rough ride in a couple years as far as our rights are concerned....


Mac11700, how true. All the Democraps looking to get into office are anti-gun.  :twisted:

Probably for the same reason that you can't carry on most Federal property even though is is an inalienable right.  Don't worry, in a few more years our elected officials will figure out a way to make us all criminals.
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Offline nomosendero

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« Reply #70 on: March 16, 2006, 04:57:01 AM »
Mac, that is sad but true, we may go into another political cycle with changes that will hurt us.

Redhawk, you are right about the Socialist Democraps. At the National
level they will adhere to the platform & the platform is ANTI-GUN, period.

It has been nice having a short breather but hold on to you hats.
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Offline Don Fischer

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« Reply #71 on: March 18, 2006, 04:57:20 AM »
Quote from: Mac11700
Why is it that legal law abiding citizens have to be put under the microscope for what hardend criminals do? What a crock..every time a criminal does something illegal..our wonderfull elected officials have to  pull their collective heads out of their backsides..and try to ban another type gun...well hold on to what you got...and go get what you can..cause I have a feeling we are in for a rough ride in a couple years as far as our rights are concerned....


We sure are in for a rough ride somewhere. And your right, we do get put under the microscope for what hardened crminals do and that,s not right. I don't think the 50 BMG should be banned even tho I would never shoot one nor do I understand the desire to do so. But you will, in time find that if we don't police ourselve's, the government will  do it for us. You may not like my ethics, and I may not like your's  and another someone else's, no matter his expertise. But for the good of this sport, I think that somewhere a universal agreement need's to be made on the ranges we shoot, the cartridges we use and the way we hunt. We'll won't get everyone follow them anymore than we'll get people to quit robbing banks with gun's. But we really need to distance ourselves from the absurb.

We really really don't want big brother to define these things for us do we? We are capabile of it ourselves aren't we? We don't need a law to tell us how far to shoot do we or what we shoot with? This entire disscussion goes the way it does out of fear of loss, loss of right's to own some particular weapon and having it spread to other weapon's. Good fear; so why then are so many people unwilling to pass judgement (?) on what's happening all around us right now? A bunch of you have just passed judgement on using a 50BMG on deer and other's have walked all around it trying not to. A simple question of using the 50 BMG on deer turned into fighting to maintain our right's. That was born out of fear of loss. Mostly because we don't want any line's drawn for what we do,  what we shoot or how we do it. We better draw some line's ourselves! OOPS!, better say right here that I don't indorse a ban on the 50 BMG or any other cartridge, just the way some are used.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline nomosendero

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« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2006, 05:01:02 PM »
Quote by Don Fischer:(But for the good of this sport, I think that somewhere a universal agreement need's to be made on the ranges we shoot, the cartridges we use and the way we hunt.)
And Nomosendero said:
No we don't need any such thing, talk about absurd, this would be it. It has been said hundreds of times on this site, to know your limitations &
those of your gun. Most hunters are not gunners, go to a public range & watch. Does anyone really think that casual hunters could agree on the
capabilities on just a few cartridges, much less all cartridges & form any
reasonable consensus as to what maximum ranges could be taken with
said "universally accepted" cartridge with all bullet weights & types on all sizes & types of animals.  If so, I have some swamp land in Southern AZ. to sell you. This is pure crap!!!

As we all know, some people are more capable at 400 yards than others are at 100 yards, even with the same cartridge, so which one should you listen to?
Shoot there are people on hunting Forums that spout off about cartridges
without the experience or even basic ballistic knowledge to make logical
comments & by those comments we can also see they don't have hunting experience either, should they be part of this committee that tells me &
you what cartridge to hunt with? Forget about it!

"The way we hunt", What is that??? Should we tell people to stop doing drives, quit building shooting houses, no climbing stands, no hang on's,
no baiting in States where this is legal, no food plots, they draw game, etc.
Bull Hockey, if you want to still hunt with a recurve or shoot deer out of a perm. stand at long range & be competent with either, go for it & no it doesn't matter if some pencil necked arm chair guru thinks the guy in the stand should have a max range 100 yards less than the shot he took, none of his business.

With any type of a weapon from a stick bow, recurve, compound, hand gun, you get the picture right up to the long range rifles have their place &
have both limitations based on the weapon & the person using the weapon
& it is our responsibility to use them responsibly. We don't need an advisory committee. Libs love to be regulated, but no thanks, I'll pass.
This started off being a discussion about 50cal. & it appears that no one in this discussion uses them to hunt with & one who said he knows people
that do, it's just is not a big problem now & not likely to be later. As Mac & others have correctly stated, the slob hunters that wound tons of game up close each year are a far bigger problem than those VERY few that may shoot an animal with a 50. Even all the long hunters combined would not lose a fraction of the animals each year that these casual hunters do who will shoot a pie plate at 50 yards the day before season & say that is good enough.

"For the good of the sport", I don't think so, Anti's will find reasons, & if
they can't, they will make them up. They will do anything to destroy the sport. If a Deer runs trough White Suburbia with an arrow in it's side, well
that doesn't look good & they will put it in any media they can, but if they
see a Deer wounded by a car, they may say that a hunter wounded it, as
they are not worried about the truth anyway, just their agenda. These
restrictions on type of cartridges, hunting styles & ranges that were suggested would help the Anti's alot. When they would then hear that some Deer were still wounded, they would say, look they restricted themselves & Deer are still being wounded, I told you hunting is no good, let's get rid of all of it. Sound familiar, it should, it is just like gun control.

But these discussions do draw out those who think they know best for all of us & can tell you how far YOU can shoot & what is the proper way to do it. If that were not the case, these "suggestions" would never occur.
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« Reply #73 on: March 18, 2006, 06:18:07 PM »
Nomosendaro :toast: What you said...and a little more...


First off...Lay the PETA handbook down...Turn off the Disney animation...and come back to reality for a moment..You are the type of guy who will un-wittingly allow our guns to be legislated away...How dare I say this...Why do I say this very statement of yours.....
But for the good of this sport, I think that somewhere a universal agreement need's to be made on the ranges we shoot, the cartridges we use and the way we hunt. We'll won't get everyone follow them anymore than we'll get people to quit robbing banks with gun's. But we really need to distance ourselves from the absurb.

This sounds just like what the anti's want and  it's written in the same manner they say it...These eliest SOB's think they are better than us..and here you are...saying the same crock of crap I've heard coming out of the mouths of a few of them... ..You see..I know quite a few of them...Doctors..Lawyers..Dumcrate politicians..and hear this same BS from them...they would call you one of their sensable hunters...willing to listen to reason...THIER REASONS...and pardner..that sure as hell ain't my reasons or anything I want a part of..

I will not abide by anyone telling me how to far to shoot..or what caliber I should or shouldn't be able to use..PERIOD...I don't need any NATO inspired fuzzy rhetoric on a universal anything...

The people that are putting us under a microscope about our guns don't give a rats behind about anything except to rid the world of our guns and they will do and say anything they can to accomplish this.....if you give them an inch...they will take it for a mile..everytime...there is no comprimising with's all or nothing...and once it's gone..we will never get it back...and it doesn't matter if a person is staying within the laws either...

You want to distance yourself from the core of true my guest..we aren't the problem...the problem is the folks wanting our guns...get that thru your head when you want to start making universal regulations...on what a person can or cannot use..or the distances a person can shoot at....

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #74 on: March 19, 2006, 02:11:19 AM »
Mac11700 and Nomosendaro, I agree with you guys 100 %. All these discussions always get heated because so many are very passant about our sport and then you have the guys that buckle under the slightest pressure to be politically correct. Everyone here that knows me, knows I am a firm supporter of any type of hunting as long as it is legal and I have been involved in many heated discussions. I hate to get into a ethical debate also, because everyone's opinions differ so much.

What some people fail to realize is, give in just a little then they ask for more, next thing you know we won't have any form of hunting because the weak have given in a little every time. I may not agree with all types of hunting, but I support them.

The anti's have it easy when we hunters and shooters can't agree. Self policing as some have put it, is playing into there hands. If it is legal, why crumble to political correctness. NOT ME.  :evil:
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« Reply #75 on: March 19, 2006, 08:52:36 AM »
Under no circumstances should we allow any legislation to pass that will restrict our gun ownership rights an more than they already are,or backdoor approaches like gun registration,ect.Having said that I dont want to be hunting in an area where a .50 bmg is being used as a sporting rifle,this kind of restriction is in the hands of the F&G regulations and in no way hampers the ownership of any firearm,how would you guys feel if your states F&G restricted the use of antivehicle rounds like the 50bmg for hunting use?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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« Reply #76 on: March 19, 2006, 10:56:37 AM »
NONYA, just because a 50 BMG can hit targets at 2000 yards does not mean when hunting, the bullet is going to travel 2000 yards every time it is shot. No matter the round fired, it is going to travel to the point of impact quickly, unless you shot it up into the horizon. The thing is some states only have shotgun only, so the 50 BMG is a non-issue, but neither is any other centerfire round. I think you are making more out of this than you need to. Just how many people do you think are going to take a 25 to 35 pound 50 BMG out hunting? I don't think many at all. Like I said in one of my previous posts, I owned two 50 BMG's and never once thought about taking them hunting. Also most guys that can afford a 50 BMG and feed them can also afford a great hunting rifle and would rather take them out hunting. In my opinion this has been blown way out of proportion. We all have opinions, but who is right? I would say, if it is legal therefor it is ethical and should be a non-issue.  Besides most guys don't want to drop $2000 plus dollars on a 30 pound gun just to try out in the hunting field. Come on, lets get real here.
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« Reply #77 on: March 19, 2006, 11:11:20 AM »
Theres a 1000 yard club here in MT and everybody knows about it,the local gun store has a wall covered with single shot 50 bmg uppers for ar-15s,you might be suprised..
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #78 on: March 19, 2006, 11:26:34 AM »
Quote from: NONYA
Theres a 1000 yard club here in MT and everybody knows about it,the local gun store has a wall covered with single shot 50 bmg uppers for ar-15s,you might be suprised..

OK, so they have a wall full of 50 BMG uppers at $1500 to $1700 each. The 1000 yard club is for the competition shooters and I know a lot of 50 BMG shooters also that would not lug a 50 BMG out hunting. But if they wanted to and it was legal, so what!  I had a 50 BMG upped for my AR 15, it was a Ferret 50 BMG. Still with an 18 inch barrel it weighed over 20 pounds and was not something I would carry in the hills of Montana when a 7 pound rifle will work. You would be surprised at the amount of 50 BMG owners out there. Most of them you would never know they owned them unless you went to one of there 1000 yards shoots or to Knobhill TN at the 50 Cal shoot. There are a number of ranges in New Mexico also that host 50 BMG matches. Even of the web sites I used to frequent about 50 BMG discussions did I ever see anyone talking about hunting with a 50 BMG. I think it might of came up once in a blue moon.
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« Reply #79 on: March 19, 2006, 11:40:43 AM »
WRONG,the 1000 club Im talking about are the guys who have killed deer,antelope or elk at that range,and the uppers are $900-$1100.And they dont lug them anywhere theydrive around and shoot over the hood or from a tripod.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline nomosendero

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why dont people use...
« Reply #80 on: March 19, 2006, 12:06:55 PM »
Nope, not a problem & I would not be interested!
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Offline Redhawk1

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why dont people use...
« Reply #81 on: March 19, 2006, 01:39:51 PM »
Quote from: NONYA
WRONG,the 1000 club Im talking about are the guys who have killed deer,antelope or elk at that range,and the uppers are $900-$1100.And they dont lug them anywhere theydrive around and shoot over the hood or from a tripod.

NONYA, tell me where I can get a 50 BMG upper for $900 to $1000? Do you have a phone number or a business name?

OK so there is a club and I did not know that. Is it legal where they are doing it? I would think it is. If it is legal what is the concern.  :?

Let me see if you can understand this concept. Do you hunt animals with any form of modern rifle or handgun? If so I am sure there are other hunters that think you should do it the old fashion way, with a black powder muzzleloader or just a traditional bow.  Do you think they are right for there way of thinking or do you just ignore it and go about your business and continue to hunt the way you want, because it is a legal method of hunting. If you fit into that category, your are throwing stones in a glass house.
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Offline NONYA

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why dont people use...
« Reply #82 on: March 19, 2006, 02:56:22 PM »
Lets see if you can understand this,i dont want to be out on the flat prarie with some bigshot and his 50bmg taking shots at running antelope,is that impossible for you to fathom?I dont care if they have a good backstop i dont even want to hear them near me while Im creeping through the grass stalking game instead of parking the truck and shooting off a damn tripod.And there are plenty of these guys around dont kid urself,go to a shoot here and you will hear them bragging up a storm,Im not impressed,and it does nothing to improve the image of our sport,and it woudnt bother me a bit if they wernt allowed to use them,you and i both know they have NO place in the sporting field.Those are single shot bolt action uppers im talking about,not semi autos,I think they are made in Idaho.This is all I have to say.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline nomosendero

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why dont people use...
« Reply #83 on: March 19, 2006, 03:20:49 PM »
Even bolt action, that is under bargain basement, I think I could sell a bunch of those, to target shooters who now pay alot more I know.

If they are shooting from a road on private land they sure are gutsy, as 1
shot would give away their position for miles. I don't know why they would be shooting at running Antelope just because they shoot a 50. Seems to me people like that would be a problem no matter what they shoot, I would not want to get hit by a stray 338 Lapua bullet either, yea
some would want to see them go next, then on down to .300Mag & so on.
Seems to me we need to get the road hunters/slob hunters fined or jailed regardless of the round they fire.
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Offline Mac11700

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why dont people use...
« Reply #84 on: March 19, 2006, 07:25:48 PM »
Seems to me we need to get the road hunters/slob hunters fined or jailed regardless of the round they fire.

Your right..I don't need anymore legislation agaisnt any gun I may choose to buy and if we could rid the hunting fields of these would be better for all..and if folks who complain about the calibers used would understand would all be a non-issue anyway.

Nonya...if these guys at this club is bragging about shooting in a dangerous manner..why not talk to your local F&G department?..Your saying also they are road hunting and shooting off the vehicle correct?...This is why not turn them in? far as you crawling after a pronghorn...aren't you suppose to be wearing Blaze Orange to hunt in Montana...something like 400 sq. inches of it I do believe.....I  believe it is a requirment for safety reasons is it not...I sincerly doubt anyone with a 50bmg would mistake you for a pronghorn......Nonya...there is a sporting purpose to this rifle...just as there is to all other may not be what you or I would use..we may never take a shot at anything out as far as a very few of them do..and niether of us would ever watonly waste a edible game animal...those that do..need to be punished to the fullest extent of the EXISTING laws already in place...we may not like what someone uses..but as long as he is following safe gun handling procedures..then it is a sporting weapon...just as any other military type weapon it a AR..a Klasivnov,a Colt,a Fin-Fal,a Mauser,a Remington,Winchester or what's the individual rights who is using it that maters...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline warf73

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why dont people use...
« Reply #85 on: March 19, 2006, 10:05:25 PM »
Thanks you all for a great read.

I've read everyone’s post and come to the conclusion that some folks thing that hunting has to done there way or no way at all. Others think that since they don’t like the 50bmg that it shouldn’t be used at all for hunting.

If hunting with a 50bmg is legal then its legal end of discussion. It dosen't matter if you like it or not.

What you think is ethical may not be what someone else thinks is ethical. Just because both parties can’t agree doesn’t mean both parties are wrong/right.

I shot my Buck at a lazered 130 yards with a .460 WBY Mag using 350gr. bullets, is that unethical? Two weekends ago I killed 3 hogs with a Knife is that unethical?

Some folks may think so.
All four animals were taken legally so I'm happy no matter what someone else may think or say about it.

"Life isn't like a box of chocolates...It's more like
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Offline NONYA

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why dont people use...
« Reply #86 on: March 19, 2006, 11:04:41 PM »
Anyone that shoots a game animal with a 50 bmg is wantingly wasting meat.The .50 bmg is an anti vehicle round not a hunting round,not unless ur hunting armored vehicles.These guys carry a tripod in the back of the trucks throw it out on the ground or shoot over the hood,unless your on a public road there is nothin illegal about it.Blaze orange dont stop a bullet,you know how many people are shot every year wearing orange?Many.Its not a matter of being mistaken for game its a round that can pass through an animal and travel a mile further,I have seen the way those rounds skip across the grond,I dont think nosler makes a partition for the bmg do they,all i have seen in fmj.Do wahtever you want its not somthing im going to encounter any time soon,nobody i know would allow you on thier place with a 50 bmg to hunt game.I have heard people ridiculed because the shoot a magnum(ME) liike the 7mag or the 300mag and  defended thier use you guys stick with it,there are no restrictions here in MT maybe you can round up a 120mm howitzer and do some "huntin". :wink:
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline Redhawk1

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why dont people use...
« Reply #87 on: March 20, 2006, 01:05:39 AM »
NONYA, the rounds they use for hunting are not the same FMJ with steel core. They are using frangible bullets. We did a lot of discussing of this subject on one forum years ago. Here is a web site for you.

Here are some 50 BMG uppers.
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Offline msorenso

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why dont people use...
« Reply #88 on: March 20, 2006, 03:13:14 AM »
NONYA, No disrespect but I think its obvious isn't it??? Like one guy posted if its legal, end of discussion.

Offline NONYA

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why dont people use...
« Reply #89 on: March 20, 2006, 05:22:28 AM »
Yep thats the truth,hrees another truth,at some point in the future nobody will having this discusion because they wont have the option,sad but true. :?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!