well It finally arrived.It is a remington custom shop that was sent by the owner after he recieved it to Tx.where further custom work was done on her.Talley lapped rings,blue printed,lapped bolt,recrowned.the rifle is matte finished and the stock is gray..24" barrel.the gentleman sent me two bags of new remington brass rcbs dies and two bxs of swift 200gr bullets.looks to be shot only 16 times.he told me he was getting rid of her for something with a lot less recoil.Hmmmm.well I really wanted to use the talley lapped rings,But,after reading more about this caliber and seeing the size of the case's.I decided to put a leupold 4.5x14 matte duplex long range scope on her useing the leupold two piece base w/out the windage adj.seems this rifle can reach way out there and have mucho authority when it arrives at it's target.when I look at the case then the rifle.rocket launcher comes to mind for some reason..he he he..wish to hear from others with this caliber and find out how it preforms for them.and I understand that C.Boddington has one and it is his favorite rifle for big game.says if he can see them in the scope he can put em on the dinner table.