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Offline corbanzo

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« on: March 06, 2006, 02:21:12 PM »
Now this is just irresponsible, people like this shouldn't be allowed to hunt.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline WylieKy

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« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 08:26:15 AM »
I think that was one of my old hunting buddies.  I joked with him and told him that if I ever did a "push" for him, I would wear a buck outfit, because as long as he was shooting at me, I would be ok.  :) This guy shot expert in the Army, but couldn't hit a deer if it walked up and licked the barrel.
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Offline Don Fischer

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« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 08:35:25 AM »
Now this is just irresponsible, people like this shouldn't be allowed to hunt.

I don't get your objection. As I understand it, anything that is not illegal is acceptable! You think that was irresponsible but nothing illegal happened and the guy has no legal obligation to make a good shot. For all you know he was just trying to scare away the deer looking for a bigger one. And I sure can't see anybody in the other blind so assume it's MTY!

Just another little dig for 'If it feel's good, do it!" :?  :(
:wink: Even a blind squrrel find's an acorn sometime's![/quote]

Offline dukkillr

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« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 11:25:21 AM »
i think you have an obligation to the animal and the community of hunters to be at least minimally competent with your shooting.  That guy could just as easily have gut shot that deer, he obviously had no clue where that bullet was going.

It's not about being illegal, it's about poor sportsmanship.

Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 12:02:21 PM »
:D Wilieky.  Your friend reminds me of an old hunting partner back in New Mexico several years ago.  He bought a .300 mag, couldn't hit anything with his eyes closed so I talked him into trading for a Winchester Model 100 .308.  He couldn't hit the back of the barn a 100 yards off the bench wit it, so I zeroed his gun for him.  In the field he could keep three rounds in a deer running full speed ahead at two hundred yards.  More than once I watched him drop deer and elk that I could barely see.  When shooting game the flinch was totally gone........

Offline WylieKy

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« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 03:49:17 AM »
Quote from: Don Fischer
Now this is just irresponsible, people like this shouldn't be allowed to hunt.

I don't get your objection. As I understand it, anything that is not illegal is acceptable! You think that was irresponsible but nothing illegal happened and the guy has no legal obligation to make a good shot. For all you know he was just trying to scare away the deer looking for a bigger one. And I sure can't see anybody in the other blind so assume it's MTY!

Just another little dig for 'If it feel's good, do it!" :?  :(

Don Fischer,
Was that susposed to be directed to me from the Jimmy Houston thread?

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Online Graybeard

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« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2006, 04:15:31 AM »
I dunno guys. Looking at it closely bullets number one and three hit almost exactly in the same place and the second was also left but a bit higher. My take is that either the shooter did it intentionally just for the video sequence we've seen or that the rifle is shooting well left of point of aim.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline wijim

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« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2006, 04:24:56 AM »
Quote from: Graybeard
I dunno guys. Looking at it closely bullets number one and three hit almost exactly in the same place and the second was also left but a bit higher. My take is that either the shooter did it intentionally just for the video sequence we've seen or that the rifle is shooting well left of point of aim.

my guess is the guy's scope got bunged up and was wide left.  he shot again and again with crosshairs on the sweet spot, thinking he flinched each time.  i cant judge if the guy is a crappy shot, cuz the bullets impacted in similar spots on each shot.  heck he's consistent if nothing else.  thats why im guessing he had a scope get bumped or something happened to cause him to hit wide left.  when i have my scope on target and miss i do not always notice which way the dirt flew as im concentrating on the target.  so i'll try the bullseye again to see if it was me that caused the miss as opposed to the scope being off.  i would think he'd been more irresponsible to have known where that firt shot was, played windage way right and accidently get a butt shot on that buck.

Offline corbanzo

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« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2006, 05:39:31 AM »
I don't know about intentional...  When there's a buck in front of me, missing for some video is the last thing on my mind, would any of you miss on purpose?  And lets look at the setting:  the guy is in a stand, on a road, there shouldn't be any reason for him to have knocked his scope out of true in this situation.  Also, before he went hunting in the first place, he should have made sure that his rifle was hitting right.  I know a lot of people who don't, but if i haven't used her in a while, I take the .06 out for a practice run before I start any season/hunt.  He was missing the sweet spot by a good two feet... that isn't any small variation.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline wijim

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« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2006, 05:52:54 AM »
Quote from: corbanzo
I don't know about intentional...  When there's a buck in front of me, missing for some video is the last thing on my mind, would any of you miss on purpose?  And lets look at the setting:  the guy is in a stand, on a road, there shouldn't be any reason for him to have knocked his scope out of true in this situation.  Also, before he went hunting in the first place, he should have made sure that his rifle was hitting right.  I know a lot of people who don't, but if i haven't used her in a while, I take the .06 out for a practice run before I start any season/hunt.  He was missing the sweet spot by a good two feet... that isn't any small variation.

on a flight or in a trailer or packed or whatever to get to a spot in which to video tape a hunt.  you're correct about checking the rifle prior to hunting.  it is not always possible though.  i go to wyoming on alternate years.....if i were to fly, i may not have the opportunity to shoot my rifle between the plane ride and being hunting.  i always sight in prior to leaving.  the grounds where we camp....a rifle cant be discharged......and target practice is not feasible at all times.  heck he coulda banged it on the steps of the blind climbing in.

im not making excuses for 3 wide left misses......but you are damning this guy by the fact he missed, alone.....knowing no facts as to why he missed.  if you are so quick to damn others in such a narrow perception of what you believe to be true ethics in your sport of choice (mine too) do realize you do exactly what the animal rights groups want dont you....seperation of ourselves (our own kind...hunters) is exactly what they want.  i dont like a variety of methods of hunting i dont practice....i dont care for a variety of common place practices that people do while hunting.....but i certainly would not jump at them in public about whether or not they have a right to hunt.  the only thing i will damn without question every time regarding hunting is being chemically or alcoholically induced while hunting.

Offline WylieKy

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« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2006, 06:35:30 AM »

I'm with you 100%.  Especially about hunters needing to stick together and stop being so divisive.  I think that this individual should be teased merilessly.  I think his shirtail should have been promtly cut off and tied around his head, and stayed there until the end of the trip.  :) That is how you deal with someone messing up in deer camp, not damning them.  I will say that my second miss would have been my last, as I would have realized that something was up with my rifle, but I hear many chain shots while hunting, so this person is by no means unique.  One reason why I like single shots. :grin:
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Offline wijim

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« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2006, 08:55:36 AM »
Quote from: WylieKy

I'm with you 100%.  Especially about hunters needing to stick together and stop being so divisive.  I think that this individual should be teased merilessly.  I think his shirtail should have been promtly cut off and tied around his head, and stayed there until the end of the trip.  :) That is how you deal with someone messing up in deer camp, not damning them.  I will say that my second miss would have been my last, as I would have realized that something was up with my rifle, but I hear many chain shots while hunting, so this person is by no means unique.  One reason why I like single shots. :grin:

Offline marylandeer

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« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2006, 09:29:02 AM »
I think as hunters we need to make sure we make the best shot we can. I will not take a gun in the woods until I'm totally confident that accuracy is up to par. I'm not saying I have never missed a deer, but Like WylieKy said the second miss should have been his last. After the first shot the point of impact was so evedent you would think a person would at least try to compensate a little.
As far as the hunter being an idiot and being punished for what he did it's hard to say. There may have been alcohol or something involved we'll never know. Maybe GB nailed it, it could be a fake.
I do know one thing about this video, you wouldn't catch me hunting with this person until he started shooting a little better.

Offline DavOh

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« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2006, 02:48:59 PM »
Alot of guys who use these super-duper-magic-magnums(most of you know how I feel about those) Never see where the bullet hits because of the muzzle rise and or reeling from having the snot knocked out of them. When I was 13 and just started with a .308, I shot at a buck down in a draw, while bracing off a tree. I wasnt standing quite right and lost my balance from the recoil. Right in the kill zone, but  didn't see the deer go down. Didn't think I hit him. sat down and waited 30-45 minutes walked down to check it out and there he lay right where he was when I shot him.

It once took me 3 shots to kill a deer. First shot glanced off the mirror of my dad's truck(no lectures please, it was on private land and well within all ethical standards) Second shot I thought I missed. Shot for a third time and he went down. 2nd shot hit but was just far back enough to miss the vitals, but the deer NEVER MOVED! (.243 through and through, though) Third was a double lung and he dropped.

I aggree with the off scope assesment. The shots were consistantly to the left. User error is RARELY if ever consistent like that. Before I got the .308 from my dad, he rarely if ever shot it unless it was at a Deer.

Offline corbanzo

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« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2006, 05:01:20 PM »
so then I guess I'm damning myself according...  and don't compare me to activists.  Please, that is an insult.  If it was one shot, I wouldn't say anything, I've missed before.  If it was two shots... well, somewhat...  but three shots in the same place, all missing...  That's just not right.  When I was a little kid I remember shooting at a spruce chicken (grouse) 10 times before I hit him... but a deer as an adult....
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline wijim

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« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2006, 03:24:27 AM »
Quote from: corbanzo
so then I guess I'm damning myself according...  and don't compare me to activists.  Please, that is an insult. If it was one shot, I wouldn't say anything, I've missed before.  If it was two shots... well, somewhat...  but three shots in the same place, all missing...  That's just not right.  When I was a little kid I remember shooting at a spruce chicken (grouse) 10 times before I hit him... but a deer as an adult....

furthest thing could be true.  i would never call a fellow hunter an ara nor would i insinuate you have anything in common through comparison.  you might want to read my post again.  the point i was trying to convey is that the guy messed up, but it wasn't a sinful type of screw up.  i agree with the two shots and not firing the third......but big deal...he fired the third shot.  my point about the antihunter issue was this......if we allow ourselves to be seperated as hunters...the antihunters get what they want (smaller divided numbers), and there is no real proof that this guy is some sort of slob hunter, based soley on him missing a deer three times, while their is evidence of equipment malfunction be it through a real mystery, neglect, faulty equipment, naivity or whatever....we just don't know.  there is no reason to suggest that this guy has no business hunting.

btw....the antihunting faction is real and very active.  i heard about this board while fighting with an ara on another board when they posted the link to here and said "i bet a guy like you would enjoy a board of animal murderers like you".  i replied..."yes, thanks for the link moron". they come to this board and they study us, and wait for a division of hunters to use in their arguements against hunting.

Offline WylieKy

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« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2006, 03:58:42 AM »
I, for one, am not damning you.  I think you're probably a pretty good guy, I know you gave me some good info on bear hunting.  I'm definitely not comparing you to an activist.  I did find the video more humours than disturbing, but if he had injured the deer....that would not have been funny.
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Offline corbanzo

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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2006, 01:02:10 PM »
I remember one time when I was a kid, I was out with the old man, and shot a squirrel, winged him, and he was scampering around confused.  I didn't take another shot, didn't run up and grab him.  The old man ripped me a new one!!  I guess that is why now a days I believe that when hunting, you should be prepared to kill, and kill quickly that what you are going after.  As an enjoyer of the sport it is true that I cannot damn another for his one mistake, but I do hope that in the future he can correct his actions.  Every incident like this should be a lesson, just like me and the squirrel.
It is my belief that in a case such as this, if the hunter cannot do what he is setting out to do, then he should find a new hobby.  But as I said before, that change is possible.  I apologize for how harsh my first statement comes out as, but cannot withdraw it.  We are given some of the greatest and most advanced tools out there by our arms companies, I think we should give the same back by using them responsibly and up to par.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline Charlie Tango

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« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2006, 03:30:49 AM »
where I come from the deer only give you one shot, but that is shotgun hunting and were alot closer I guess.  It looks to me that the three shots were in three different spots.  Looks like he needs more range time or the "shirt tale tied around the head treatment"

Offline kenscot

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« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2006, 05:35:31 AM »
Well if he did it on purpose to scare away this deer hoping for a bigger one that is just dumb. I can't remember seeing any gunshot deer calls advertized anywhere.
Could be just a case of buck fever and a guy badly jerking the trigger, but if it had been me I would have made sure the video never made it out of the blind :-D

Offline wijim

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« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2006, 07:59:20 AM »
Quote from: corbanzo
I remember one time when I was a kid, I was out with the old man, and shot a squirrel, winged him, and he was scampering around confused.  I didn't take another shot, didn't run up and grab him.  The old man ripped me a new one!!  I guess that is why now a days I believe that when hunting, you should be prepared to kill, and kill quickly that what you are going after.  As an enjoyer of the sport it is true that I cannot damn another for his one mistake, but I do hope that in the future he can correct his actions.  Every incident like this should be a lesson, just like me and the squirrel.
It is my belief that in a case such as this, if the hunter cannot do what he is setting out to do, then he should find a new hobby.  But as I said before, that change is possible.  I apologize for how harsh my first statement comes out as, but cannot withdraw it.  We are given some of the greatest and most advanced tools out there by our arms companies, I think we should give the same back by using them responsibly and up to par.

there's no need to apologize.  i totaly understand where you come from....i just worry about our (collectively) image as a whole and our solidarity as a group in the fight for our natural rights to hunt in the ways toughtto us by our forefathers and the ways we pursue game in all different ways culturally.

Offline grousehunter

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« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2006, 05:19:13 PM »
the only thing I worry about this idiot is if PETA or some other org. (as such ) get ther hands on this, it will be misconscrewed again!!!!!!!

Offline corbanzo

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« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2006, 01:28:04 PM »
Actually, PETA has lost a lot of credibility with some of their practices.  Watch this video, and you will see what I mean.
"At least with a gun that big, if you miss and hit the rocks in front of him it'll stone him to death..."

Offline killdeer

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« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2006, 05:32:09 PM »
This is what happens when you put a duck hunter in a deer stand :shock:
Or buy that new scoped combo, box of shells, and a deer tag the night before opening morning.
 Or maybe the kid didn't have the benefit of someone to show him the ropes and is learning the hard way. Hope he tries again and harvests that buck next time.