My wife in the past worked for Walmart Corporate in the Insurance Dept.,
up until 2-3 years ago they were self insured & I have worked with alot
of industrial accts. that make wiggets for Walmart & yes, they are changing. It started when Mr. Walton died but more so after the older
Corp. Man. people retired/left the company, the ones that remembered
who put them in the number 1 position, you the customer.
Now we have younger management people making decisions & like this
decision, I don't think they understand the big picture. It is logical to look
at items that are not moving well, but to drop guns in stores WILL cause a
ripple effect that will affect the store's profitability. I have noticed that stores in my area that sell alot of guns are creative, they have seminars
by famous Turkey Callers, Deer Hunters, & Safety Programs. In other words they are pro-active & actually market their sporting goods. I think
that the stores not selling alot of guns could have learned from those that
Handirifle, I think your timing was good for selling your stock & we have
sold ours as well. I think we should send a signal & I am going to whether
others do or not. I will buy items from stores that still sell guns & I will not buy from those that don't. I believe this is better than not buying from them at all, some of these stores will be a few miles apart, & if the little
pencil-necked management people see the P&L numbers for the gun selling stores look better & the other stores look worse, the message will
be delivered.