guys, i agree with you deeply on the henry, i have a golden boy 22lr with larger loop, octagonal barrel etc. These are really slick guns, and quite attractive to say the least. Now you can get the heavy octagonal barrel and large loop on a black reciever model and save some money over the golden boy. After having the 22, i must admit , i want a magnum as well.
Now to burst everyones bubble. There is also another domestic lever 22 mag gun out there and price is in the same ball park. That gun is the RUGER 96/22M. Now this gun looks nothing like the so called western guns at all. In all honesty it resembles a savage model 99 a bit, and kinda resembles the winchester model 88 i believe it is called. It has a one piece birch stock, carbine length barrel, flip up rear site. And if you like the idea of clip or magazine feed instead of tube feed, it has a 9 round magazine. The mag is similar to the flush mounted ones on a ruger 10/22 , so it does not stick down below the stock. To be honest , it resembles a lever action version of the 10/22, i think the barrels even interchage. So some of the high performance tricks guys are doing on 10/22 guns will work on the 96. i also have a 22lr version of this gun, and must say, it is a quick acting ,easy to shoot gun, and very easy to maintain. accuracy is respectable though i dont think it quite as well as the henry in that view.
So now you have at least 2 choices, both from domestic manufacturers, both have respectable service in my opinion. and similar prices. It comes down to your taste. I like them both. I will say this though , you are much more likely to find the henry at your local dealer. I have seen but a couple of the 96's anywhere but the larger gun shows. most dealers around here stock the henry or can get one quickly.
hope i have helped you out some