Author Topic: new bow dilemma  (Read 502 times)

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Offline DavOh

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new bow dilemma
« on: March 23, 2006, 03:35:47 PM »
As some of you know, I've been ecstatic about getting back into bow hunting and put my  layaway deposit down on a Fred Bear "TRX 400"(best I can tell its a "omni pro" but dressed for Gander mountain.) I did this after shooting it a few times and though it had some hand shock and noise I figured that would tame out with limbsavers and what not. I had also been on every online archery website I could get my browsers hands on and hadn't really found anything I was too excited about... that I could afford anyways.

Then about 2 wks later I was poking around and decided to run the numbers. (BIG mistake)

I figured out that I could get a fully outfitted and tuned Reflex Highlander for the cost of the TRX 400 after I put all the vib.dampeners and whatnot on it. That's even AFTER absorbing the $65.00 lawaway deposit at Gander.

I've been kicking myself ever since. Grrr. I'm sure the TRX is a good bow, but the allure of the Highlander already outfitted with my preffered accessories is one of those things I don't want to say "I wish I had done that instead...."

*rubs sore butt from all the self-kicking*

Someone told me that Gander will refund Layaway deposits... Anyone happen to know This?

Offline Daks

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new bow dilemma
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 11:23:51 AM »
They did for me.

There's always a better bow out there. The guy I hunt with gets a new bow every year. What do you plan to do with your old bow?

Offline DavOh

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new bow dilemma
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 05:00:56 PM »
Had to sell my bow several years ago.  Went unemployed for 6 months. Along the way, had to find some creative ways to keep the lights on. Some ways not so creative... or enjoyable for that matter. Wish I had kept it... obviously. I hadn't shot it for several years before that(accept the opposum that attacked my brothers dog one night). First shot in prolly 5 years and still nailed it from 20 yds first try. Man I miss it.