one$$shot, I would highly reccommend AGAINST any finish that has a stain and finish mixed into one soulution!!! It is the cheapest and wopst way to go, it is what H&R uses on it's cheap pallet wood stocks because just that,. it is cheap and easy, it is sprayed on and after it dries it lies on the top of the wood with no penetration, and we all know how cheap and lousy the pallet wood stocks look. Use a stain or no stain if you want but use a good stock finish. I swear by tung oil, others here like polyeurathane and others like a Tru oil finish ( a so--called china oil, tung oil actually). Please don't wreck all the nice sanding and work you have in that stock by layering a finish on it that just sits on top of the wood, has no "depth" and looks cheap and if it scratches allows the light wood to show right through...Best of luck on whatever you do, I have been doing stocks and weood work for a while now and those all in one finishes are just fast and cheap looking. I do not think you will be happy with the results and I guarentee it will not have the appearence of a good quality traditional stock....<><.... :grin: