No, but I would bet you would be the first to tell us.
Actually, we talked alot on that 50Cal. thread & accomplished nothing, partly my fault as I was on it also. That discussion could have been better served by going on a 50 site & talk to them. After all, not a single person
on this site hunted with a 50 & only 1 was even luke warm with the idea, not an issue & no logic in trying to make it one.
But trying to bring up this matter from another site is much worse. GB is a
great site & I visit & post on GB alot, but this is not a site that has extended range or extra long range shooting in mind & as you can see, we
do not have that catagory. And I don't think that anyone would try to dovetail 2,000Yard or even 1,000 Yard shooting with the 500-600 yard shooting that is rarely discussed here. That would be too silly to discuss.
I would not have an issue with a matter on a Speed Boat site & then go to
a John Boat site & try to raise an issue or even discuss it. For that matter,
I would not go to a 4X4 Monster Truck web site & be concerned or even want to discuss something that I saw on a Luxury Car site.
Anyone who knows me knows that I believe in going to the source.
Maybe it is because of the way I was raised, but if I have a concern or want to discuss something that I see on a web site or in person, I WILL TALK TO THOSE PEOPLE, PERIOD!! I believe they can respect you for that
whether you agree with them or not. This would also give respect to their web site as we would want others to respect this site.
I know the site that you pulled this information from so you should TAKE IT TO THEM. A real man would rather be talked to than talked about & a
real man would rather go to the source than talk behind their backs, so
go get em tiger.