Having taught/helped several dozen women and kids to shoot, I can testify that they are generally easier to train. Men tend to have the pre-conceived notion that they are genetically predisposed to be gunfighters, women don't have the testosterone poisoning problem. I taught at the PD range for a lot of years, and the best shooters at the end of the first day were always the women, because they listened better. Same with most kids. Start them off up close with reactive targets, and watch them excel. Shooting paper is pretty much useless, they need the instant feedback to reinforce the good habits, and let them know quickly when they're doing it wrong. A friend of a friend asked me to teach her to shoot, she had never shot anything but a 22 rifle before. A hundred mild 38's, then a box of +P's, then she wanted to try the hot 357's. She shot a perfectly round 25 yard group, two-handed standing, that was about an inch and a half. Then she looked at me, smiled, and asked, "Am I doing this okay?" :shock:
I cried all the way home. Either I'm a really good teacher, or she was better as a newby than I'd ever be, no matter how much I practiced. Sometimes God has a very warped sense of humor.