Author Topic: NEW 870 PROBLEM  (Read 506 times)

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« on: April 03, 2006, 12:38:36 PM »
I bought a new 870 to Turkey hunt with. I took it out today to shoot it for the first time. After ejecting the first shot I noticed a rattle. The round that was left in the magazine was sliding up and down as if there was no spring in it. I remove the magazine cap and had to tap on it to get the spring to come down where i could get it out. It was colapsed down to the length of the plug. I got it loose, put it back in and shot again. As soon as I ejected the empty i could tell it had done it again. I was shooting Federal 3 inch no. 5's. I took it home and cleaned the magazine but have not shot it again yet. Anybody had this happen?
Charles Wilson

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 08:16:55 AM »
ya know I have not had that happen,but have heard of it.a good cleaning should take care of it.and ensure that it (the spring)fits into the shell follower.and you may have those dipples in the mag tube that does not allow for the mag extension.they might have been put on by the remington gorrilla.look them over also.
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