Author Topic: Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thinking?  (Read 2144 times)

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Offline whiteagle

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thinking?
« on: April 08, 2006, 03:07:04 PM »
Joan Ocean anc Kewaunee Lapseritis, recently had contact with Bigfoot in Hawaii.   I personally knew a couple that honeymooned by backpacking in Hawaii, and they had contact back in 1975.  This must mean that either Hawaii did not form from an upthrust fault in the middle of the Pacific, or that multiple 800 lb hairy bipeds stowed away on ocean going vessels, or that bigfoot can fly or that bigfoot was dropped off their by UFO's.  Perhaps there are a few other possiblities, that escape me at the moment.  From the above short list, the first two possibilities would appear to be impossible.  This leaves the last two.  Consequently, it would appear that current thinking is at risk.  Also from the above short list, it is no wonder that certain large bigfoot reporting groups that claim that bigfoot is a gigantopithicus or some other large extinct primate, do not make bigfoot sightings in Hawaii available to the public.  Mmmm.  I wonder why.  Naw, couldn't be that they are living in denial, could it?  Now that would be manipulating evidence in order to reach "sound scientific conclusions".

Offline Skeeterbaymac

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2006, 04:47:28 PM »
Mr. Whiteagle:  I can maybe (read maybe again) understand how something could live in a large unpopulated area of the world and that it was some kind of animal that had eluded man kind.  I am open to that as a small possiblility. That would explain why there have been sightings that date back to the 1800's and sightings/legends by numerous North American Indian tribes through out history.  That could make reasonable sense in my mind.  But flying BF's and UFO's transporting BF's.   I just can not make my brian see or understand how that could be possible.  Thats just to far out for me to even try to understand.  

  Do you truely honestly believe that BF's fly or captain UFO's or ride in UFO's?  

  Wouldn't it make more sense to consider that just maybe some (read NOT all) folks that report sightings, could be mistaken and that maybe the BF they thought they saw was really some other known animal or log or shadow or whatever. Heck I am (according to my wife now) the missing link!  I am a hairy 300+ pound beared fool.  I can see how someone could see me in bad light at a distance in the woods and think I was a BF (with the right clothes on).  :lol:

  Do not get me wrong, I believe some of these folks have seen something.  I think that in some cases one can not doubt the fact that something weird was seen by the person making the claim. I still can not make up my mind about the Patersen film.   Look at whats going on in several areas of the USA.  OK. seems to have something attacking cattle, maybe it's a  lion maybe it's something else, but something is going on down there.  

  But just maybe since there are not that many BF sightings in Hawai, maybe just maybe these couple of folks were mistaken in what they saw. That seems more logical to me, then flying, UFO ridding BF's.  :D

Respectfully SkeeterBayMac

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2006, 04:57:36 PM »
I'm sorry but I take her about as seriously as I do other nuts, well OK maybe not quite as seriously. I've seen as many bigfoot critters in my bedroom at night as she has in Hawaii. The rest of us just don't take this metaphysical dimension jumping shape shifting mind control line on the critter seriously.

If such a creature exists it's made of flesh and blood.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

Offline Wisill

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Re: Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Screw Up Current Thinking?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 06:41:49 AM »
Quote from: whiteagle
Joan Ocean anc Kewaunee Lapseritis, recently had contact with Bigfoot in Hawaii.   I personally knew a couple that honeymooned by backpacking in Hawaii, and they had contact back in 1975.  This must mean that either Hawaii did not form from an upthrust fault in the middle of the Pacific, or that multiple 800 lb hairy bipeds stowed away on ocean going vessels, or that bigfoot can fly or that bigfoot was dropped off their by UFO's.  Perhaps there are a few other possiblities, that escape me at the moment.

Let me help you with a VERY obvious possibility, and that is that Joan Ocean is full of day old pasta!  Here you give a hearsay statement as being proof that there ever was a bigfoot encounter in Hawaii.  You aren't hearing this from the alleged witnesses themselves, but from someone who says, "I personally know a couple that..."  That's not proof.  Where are the statements from the couple that had the encounter, or where are other witnesses, certainly we can't say bigfoot is in Hawaii based on what you've presented.  Give me links to pages online, of other people who have claimed to have had bigfoot encounters in Hawaii.  The only stipulation is that none of these can be people who believe bigfoot is on UFOs or a magical creature.  

Quote from: whiteagle

 From the above short list, the first two possibilities would appear to be impossible.  This leaves the last two.  Consequently, it would appear that current thinking is at risk.  Also from the above short list, it is no wonder that certain large bigfoot reporting groups that claim that bigfoot is a gigantopithicus or some other large extinct primate, do not make bigfoot sightings in Hawaii available to the public.

Interesting observation... How many websites are there on the Internet now?  And what kinds of topics do they cover... everthing from a-z and beyond.  Interesting stuff, cool stuff, fun stuff, nasty stuff and downright disgusting stuff.  Yet according to you, the "certain large bigfoot reporting groups" have the power of censorship over the entire Internet to keep anyone from providing a legitimate report of a bigfoot sighting in Hawaii.  Yet, we don't intervene to stop weird bigfoot reports from ever appearing.

Quote from: whiteagle
Mmmm.  I wonder why.  Naw, couldn't be that they are living in denial, could it?  Now that would be manipulating evidence in order to reach "sound scientific conclusions".

Put the shoe on the other foot whiteagle, and aim that statement towards the "Leaders" that propose that bigfoot is on UFOs or is paranormal is some respect.  Could it be THEM that are manipulating evidence, as well as reality, to skew the results to make them fit something that might suggest sound scientific conclusions.

Offline whiteagle

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 05:20:48 PM »
Can any of the other posters here, fly without an airplane, helicopter, paraglider, etc., etc.  You say no.  Correct?  What about an out of body experience at death or near death?  Orbists claim that the moment before death, our spirit leaves the body and forms an orb.  That orb can be photographed in the same from shortly after death.  So you can fly, except not with your body and not while your body is alive.  What about other creatures?  Do you think that humans have a lock on this orb out of body experience.  Not likely.  Consequently, we cannot rule bigfoot out as not being capable of flying via an orb phase.  The warm springs indians have a ceremony for the transition from braves to warriors.  They call it a Vision Quest.  They camp out and do some strange stuff, until they not only see very large orbs, but the orbs that they see, they claim to be bigfoot orbs.  So perhaps Bigfoot can fly to Hawaii, without the aid of either a UFO or any manmade device.

In regard to where someone was attempting to put words into my mouth, in order to facilitate discrediting me, I never stated that Bigfoot can pilot a UFO, nor do I believe that it is possible.  UFO reporting facilities apparently have reports of Bigfoot being seen in UFO's by abductees.  Your apologies are accepted in advance.

As far as Bigfoot being paranormal, I stand behind both Jimmy Carter and Stephen Hawkings, who both have publicly stated that the Bigfoot are paranormal.  So I am in good company.  Notice that I did not state that they put it in writing, nor did they put in on the internet.

If you boys want some Hawaii sighting reports, contact Ray Crowe at the Track Record.  Perhaps he can help you out.

As far as hearsay reports, every Bigfoot report ever put on the internet, is likely hearsay.  So that arguement does not hold water.

As far as my friend reporting his experience of 30 years ago.  Since people like to discriminate against those that report Bigfoot sightings, he was not interested then, nor was there any likely place to report them then.  I have no contact with him today.

Offline Skeeterbaymac

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 07:21:18 PM »
Mr WhiteEagle:  I was being general in my terms, flying, or ridding ufo's, or piloting ufo's.  I guess maybe I did not make my self clear enough.  I did not mean you said that BF's are ridding UFO's or piloting them. I was just refering to all the stuff I find,  to hard to understand and believe. I realize you only stated that they could fly.  I added the UFO things as I do not understand that thinking anymore than I do the flying thinking.  I didnt say you said they were conected to the UFO's.  That is why I asked the question Do you honestly believe BF's fly, captain UFO's or ride in UFO's.  

  Now as far as trying to discredit you.  I did not try to discredit you.  I was only offering other possibilities for what some folks may think they saw.  I am also just trying to understand why some folks think what they do about BF's.  I was very respectful and I never once made fun of you or treated you with anything but respect.  Re-read the post I made and tell me how you think you have some sort of apology coming from me.    

  Ok for the record you have answered my question and now I understand!  You do not think there is a conection between UFO's and BF's.  If I understand your last post correctly you only think they can fly or have an out of body experience that can transform them over distances and/or time.  

  Thanks for clearing that up for me!  :D

Offline Wisill

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2006, 07:44:00 PM »
Quote from: whiteagle
Can any of the other posters here, fly without an airplane, helicopter, paraglider, etc., etc.  You say no.  Correct?  What about an out of body experience at death or near death?  Orbists claim that the moment before death, our spirit leaves the body and forms an orb.  That orb can be photographed in the same from shortly after death.  So you can fly, except not with your body and not while your body is alive.

Ok, you want to get into OBEs (Out of Body Experiences).  You know as well as I do, that OBEs have never been proven to exist, all evidence that has been presented is hearsay on the part of those claiming to have had an OBE.  There have also been a number of instances where targets were placed around operating rooms, for anyone having an OBE to notice, and report what they saw to the attending physicians, to support claims of OBEs.  Nobody has ever correctly answered what the targets said or what they were, after supposedly experiencing an OBE.  An example would be like a large sign afixed to the large lamp shining overhead on the person undergoing surgery.  Now, if someone was floating above their body, and above the table, and said they saw the top of the light, but mentioned nothing about the sign affixed there, did they have an OBE?  Probably not.

As far as "Orbists" are concerned, my opinion is that these are some people who are jumping on a bandwagon, trying to cash on something that is questionable, even within the paranormal community.  To the satisfaction of most, ORBS have been proven to be water droplets or molecules (such as mist, fog, high humidity), dust, or other impurities in the air at the time of a photograph being taken.  I have personally photographed many orbs, and have witnessed this myself.  You'll also notice, that although there have been some "orbs" photographed in the past, the vast majority of them have appeared since the introduction of Digital Cameras.  I think this is due to the extreme sensitivity of the sensors to certain wavelengths of light,  compared to film cameras.  Most digital cameras, including security cams etc, can see infrared.  Most manufactures place a filter behind the lens to block this tendency.  In the case of the Sony Videocams with Night Shot, a switch simply pushes this filter out of the way, and the sensor pics up the IR wavelength and records it.  To see IR appear on a film, you need to be using IR Film, not regular film like most people use.  

Also your statement of, "So you can fly, except not with your body and not while your body is alive.", discredits the thousands who have claimed to have had OBEs and returned.  They were not dead, but claim their conciousness simply left their bodies, and traveled where they wanted to.

Quote from: whiteagle
What about other creatures?  Do you think that humans have a lock on this orb out of body experience.  Not likely.  Consequently, we cannot rule bigfoot out as not being capable of flying via an orb phase.  The warm springs indians have a ceremony for the transition from braves to warriors.  They call it a Vision Quest.  They camp out and do some strange stuff, until they not only see very large orbs, but the orbs that they see, they claim to be bigfoot orbs.  So perhaps Bigfoot can fly to Hawaii, without the aid of either a UFO or any manmade device.

I have heard of "Vision Quest", however I'm not familiar with warm springs Indians, or their traditions.  Just for the sake of debate, let's say OBEs do exist.  You claim that Bigfoot, can change into an orb, they float across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii, then rematerialize as a Bigfoot?  Give me an example of a person doing the same thing.  Nobody has ever claimed of have had an OBE and rematerialize at some other location.  They still, supposedly, come back to their own bodies.  There is also the matter of the "Life Thread" some describe as silver in color and some as gold.  That supposedly connects your astral body with your physical body during an OBE.  So what would happen to bigfoot's "Life Thread" if it materialized somewhere else?  Since it would then have a new physical body, the thread would be broken from the old.  Which would mean there would be bigfoot bodies laying all over the place, every time one changed into an orb and floated away.  

Quote from: whiteagle
In regard to where someone was attempting to put words into my mouth, in order to facilitate discrediting me, I never stated that Bigfoot can pilot a UFO, nor do I believe that it is possible.  UFO reporting facilities apparently have reports of Bigfoot being seen in UFO's by abductees.  Your apologies are accepted in advance.

As far as Bigfoot being paranormal, I stand behind both Jimmy Carter and Stephen Hawkings, who both have publicly stated that the Bigfoot are paranormal.  So I am in good company.  Notice that I did not state that they put it in writing, nor did they put in on the internet.

I still don't know where you got this information, and you can't provide any confirming information, so it's a moot point.  To the best of my knowledge neither have ever made any statements supporting Bigfoot being paranormal, let alone any statements about bigfoot period.  

Quote from: whiteagle

If you boys want some Hawaii sighting reports, contact Ray Crowe at the Track Record.  Perhaps he can help you out.

Sorry whiteagle, you made the claim,  you need to provide the proof to back up your statements.  

Quote from: whiteagle

As far as hearsay reports, every Bigfoot report ever put on the internet, is likely hearsay.  So that arguement does not hold water.

As far as my friend reporting his experience of 30 years ago.  Since people like to discriminate against those that report Bigfoot sightings, he was not interested then, nor was there any likely place to report them then.  I have no contact with him today.

In a way you could claim that many bigfoot reports are hearsay, or anecdotal.  The difference comes in the form of credibility of some of those that do the reporting.  

On one hand, such as in some of the sources you've been indicating, they make their living having people believe in their ideas.  If someone, decided that fairies were in fact a reality, and made their living selling books about them, speaking at lectures and symposiums how likely would it be for them to support a view that threatens to take all that away?  For many, highly unlikely and they'll skew any opposing data in an effort to support their claims.

On the other hand, I'm sure there's a number of bigfoot reports that are not true, but there are some that are reported by people who risk a lot by doing so.  There have been doctors, police officers, psychologists among other professionals.  They don't make their living by reporting bigfoot, and in some cases they even put their careers in jeopardy for doing so.  Those kinds of cases I take a bit harder look at, for the downside is a lot worse than any good the upside will ever be.

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2006, 08:56:15 PM »
Wisill wrote:To the satisfaction of most, ORBS have been proven to be water droplets or molecules (such as mist, fog, high humidity), dust, or other impurities in the air at the time of a photograph being taken. I have personally photographed many orbs, and have witnessed this myself. You'll also notice, that although there have been some "orbs" photographed in the past, the vast majority of them have appeared since the introduction of Digital Cameras.

My reply:
The book "How to Photography the Paranormal", shuts the door on the possibility that Orbs have been proven to be water droplets or molecules.  So this is a false statement by Wisill.  My personal observations and camcorder videos, prove that they are not dust, but rather, that they behave like living entities.  Which they likely are.  Orbs can see, from my personal observations, as they avoid colliding with each other and with trees, unless they fade into another dimension.  Then they can fly into the ground or into brush.  Both digital cameras and film cameras can take real living orb pictures.  All you need is a flash, a very high ISO film or ISO adjustment on the digital camera and of course, Orbs.  Orbs are quite common in the summer time.  They like to hang out over house roofs.  They can also be seen with the NAKED EYE.  So that PROVES that it is not a camera trick.  Just step outside in the summer time, with your flash camera, and hold your head above the camera instead of looking through the lens.  You will seel many Orbs, with your naked eye.  Cemetaries are also an EXCELLENT location to find orbs because they are SPIRIT ENTITIES.

People generally cannot rematerialize after their spirits have turned into and Orb, although the Warm Spring Indians claim to have achieved such a feat.  Bigfoot can rematerialize because they are supernatural.  E=Mc squared was how the US Government explained it back in the 60's and 70's.  Energy and mass are interchangeable, apparently.

Wisill wrote:I still don't know where you got this information, and you can't provide any confirming information, so it's a moot point. To the best of my knowledge neither have ever made any statements supporting Bigfoot being paranormal, let alone any statements about bigfoot period.

My reply:  Just because you did not witness it, does not mean that your lack of  knowledge is adequate grounds to constitute any sort of conclusion to the contrary.  Since you have never witnessed an atom being split, I would then guess by your reasoning then, that atoms cannot then be split.  So your logic lacks logic.

Sure the credibility of the witness affects the credibility of a bigfoot report.  But regardless of the witness's credibility, all bigfoot reports that are not supported by supporting genuine video footage, ARE HEARSAY.  So virtually all except for a handfull of reports, are hearsay since they cannot be proven as real by another unimpeachable source.

There are also paranormal bigfoot reports.  BFRO screens those out, thus serving to manipulate minds.  Other internet message boards also screen out paranormal postings.  That also is control of our opinions and beliefs through unfairly presenting biased information.  Thus resulting in biased beliefs by most persons with a bigfoot interest.  So when they then criticize paranormal postings such as this, they are completely unaware that their opinions have likely been previously manipulated by others, some of who they likely hold great disrespect for.

Read "The Locals" or "the Psychic Sasquatch", for paranormal research.  Unless you are biased of course, then you cannot read anything that support a bias other than your own.  That is called prejudice.

Sorry, I already presented several cases of Bigfoot on Hawaii.  It is your responsibility to discredit those witnesses, not mine.  No reports can be proven as real, because they are normally hearsay.  Living in denial's a bitch, isn't it?

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2006, 01:02:30 AM »
Quote from: whiteagle
My reply:
The book "How to Photography the Paranormal", shuts the door on the possibility that Orbs have been proven to be water droplets or molecules.  So this is a false statement by Wisill.

From the "How to Photograph the Paranormal" author's website...

Quote from: Leonore Sweet, Ph.D., author of How To Photograph the Paranormal

"There are no experts in this field, and I don’t mean to present myself as an authority in either photography or the paranormal."

" Yes, some are photographs of dust, rain, pollen, lens flare or anything else logical minds can embrace, but not all."

She herself admits that some have proven to be things like I mentioned.  I know you're going to say she admits to some, but not ALL.  However look at her other statement, she admits she's not "an authority in either photography or the parnormal."  So how can she say that any of the orbs photographed are anything but explainable.  She admits she doesn't know one way or the other.  It's all speculation, or maybe better phrased as guesstimation.

Quote from: whiteagle
My personal observations and camcorder videos, prove that they are not dust, but rather, that they behave like living entities.  Which they likely are.

Well, it doesn't prove anything.  It may support your theory, but outright proving is a stretch.  So I take it you are an expert in Photography, and the mechanics and physics involved in the way cameras are constructed and work.  They may appear to behave like living things, but there are other things that could be taking place to make them APPEAR that way, even when they are not.

Quote from: whiteagle
Orbs can see, from my personal observations, as they avoid colliding with each other and with trees, unless they fade into another dimension.  Then they can fly into the ground or into brush.  Both digital cameras and film cameras can take real living orb pictures.  All you need is a flash, a very high ISO film or ISO adjustment on the digital camera and of course, Orbs.  Orbs are quite common in the summer time.  They like to hang out over house roofs.

Do you remember the big deal about "Rods" a few years ago?  These looked like long, thin shafts of light that were seen floating all over the place.  huge ones across the sky, smaller ones buzzing around creating circles around people.  The people that started that also were playing around with shutter speeds and ISO settings.  People were claiming that giant rods were hitting their windshields leaving all kinds of goo all over it.  Some even claimed they almost fell down flights of stairs when they were buzzed closely by one of these "Rods".  What did they turn out to be? Living ectoplasmic entities that were once people?  NO!  They were INSECTS!  They were moths, flys, butterflies, dragonflies, etc.  When they changed the shutter speeds and ISO to a certain configuration, it caused fast moving objects, like flying insects, to appear elongated and blurred, their wings looked like some sort of cillia as a bacteria would have, or flagella.

Quote from: whiteagle
They can also be seen with the NAKED EYE.  So that PROVES that it is not a camera trick.  Just step outside in the summer time, with your flash camera, and hold your head above the camera instead of looking through the lens.  You will seel many Orbs, with your naked eye.  Cemetaries are also an EXCELLENT location to find orbs because they are SPIRIT ENTITIES.

If you're seeing orbs looking over your camera, why do you even need a camera in the first place?  Or is it that you use the FLASH, to illuminate the orbs?  And doesn't that tell you something, that they aren't there until you hit them with a bright light?  Which translates as a reflection off a solid object.  

Why do people assume that cemetaries are good places to find "Spirit Entities".  For crying out loud, if you were dead, do you think you'd want to spend eternity sitting around in a cemetary when you could be out roaming the streets at least somewhat enjoying yourself?  

Quote from: whiteagle
People generally cannot rematerialize after their spirits have turned into and Orb, although the Warm Spring Indians claim to have achieved such a feat.  Bigfoot can rematerialize because they are supernatural.  E=Mc squared was how the US Government explained it back in the 60's and 70's.  Energy and mass are interchangeable, apparently.

You say people can't but the Warm Springs Indians can.  So the Warm Springs Indians aren't people?  And if they are, and they can, then why can't anyone else?  

Bigfoot is NOT supernatural, and E=MC squared was never used by the government or anyone else to explain anything or anyone turning into orbs.  That formula comes from Albert Einstein and the government has nothing to do with it.  

Quote from: whiteagle
Just because you did not witness it, does not mean that your lack of  knowledge is adequate grounds to constitute any sort of conclusion to the contrary.  Since you have never witnessed an atom being split, I would then guess by your reasoning then, that atoms cannot then be split.  So your logic lacks logic.

Again YOU made the claim that this took place, it's up to YOU to provide the evidence to support your claims.

Will continue later.. time to leave for work

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2006, 02:20:15 AM »
Wisill wrote:

From the "How to Photograph the Paranormal" author's website...

Leonore Sweet, Ph.D., author of How To Photograph the Paranormal wrote: " Yes, some are photographs of dust, rain, pollen, lens flare or anything else logical minds can embrace, but not all."  

She herself admits that some have proven to be things like I mentioned. I know you're going to say she admits to some, but not ALL. However look at her other statement, she admits she's not "an authority in either photography or the parnormal." So how can she say that any of the orbs photographed are anything but explainable. She admits she doesn't know one way or the other. It's all speculation, or maybe better phrased as guesstimation.

whiteagles reply:   Mrs. Sweet provides the knowledge in how anyone can obtain the evidence for themselves.  Which is exactly what I did.  And I got it on camcorder.  And I observed them at dozens of different sites.  You on the other hand, are so consumed with denying the existence of paranormal orbs, that you have not had time to 1. buy the book, 2. read the book, 3. go outside and test out the techniques in the book, or 4. even step outside with a flash camera and have a look see for yourself.  You are demonstrating a closed mind on this subject.  Furthermore, she is including a disclaimer in the book, because orb research is difficult at best, so that no experts exist.  Therefore she is not an expert for that reason, nor is anyone else.  You are changing the subject with this arguement.

Wisill wrote:  They may appear to behave like living things, but there are other things that could be taking place to make them APPEAR that way, even when they are not.

Whiteagle writes:  Name those other things please.  You cannot.  You have not seen my footage.  The International Bigfoot Society has.  Read about it in the Track Record.  Once again, you are dead wrong.

Wisill wrote:

People were claiming that giant rods were hitting their windshields leaving all kinds of goo all over it. Some even claimed they almost fell down flights of stairs when they were buzzed closely by one of these "Rods". What did they turn out to be? Living ectoplasmic entities that were once people? NO! They were INSECTS! They were moths, flys, butterflies, dragonflies, etc.

Whiteagle writes:  Prove it.  You stated it, so prove that your proof, is in fact proof and not some more of your hearsay evidence that you claim to be proof.  Rods are covered in Sweet's book.  They are paranormal entities that exist in another dimension, because they can fly through solid objects in our dimension.  Sorry to ruin your day.

Wisill: When they changed the shutter speeds and ISO to a certain configuration, it caused fast moving objects, like flying insects, to appear elongated and blurred, their wings looked like some sort of cillia as a bacteria would have, or flagella.

Whiteagle:  They do not appear to be blurred.  That is a misrepresentation.  You forgot to mention that the rods were previously and still completely unclassified living entities.  Your hearsay proof is bogus.  You are simply living in denial of both orbs and now rods.  What next?

Wisill wrote:

If you're seeing orbs looking over your camera, why do you even need a camera in the first place?

Whiteagle writes:  Don't be ridiculous.  Cameras RECORD events.

Wisill wrote: Or is it that you use the FLASH, to illuminate the orbs? And doesn't that tell you something, that they aren't there until you hit them with a bright light? Which translates as a reflection off a solid object.

Whiteagle writes:  The orbs are there all the time.  The orbs at that moment, were not self-illuminating, although some can be when they want.  You appear to be in denial of all wavelengths of light, that you cannot see with your naked eye.  That is a serious problem.

Wisill wrote:

Why do people assume that cemetaries are good places to find "Spirit Entities". For crying out loud, if you were dead, do you think you'd want to spend eternity sitting around in a cemetary when you could be out roaming the streets at least somewhat enjoying yourself?

Whiteagle writes:  I did not assume that cemeteries are good places to find spirit orbs.  That is stated in the Sweet's book.

Wisill wrote: You say people can't but the Warm Springs Indians can. So the Warm Springs Indians aren't people? And if they are, and they can, then why can't anyone else?

Whiteagle writes:  Perhaps they have some special technigue that is fully engaged when they perform their ceremonies.  You are assuming that noone else can.  Have you checked with everyone else on the face of the planet?  

Wisill wrote:
Bigfoot is NOT supernatural, and E=MC squared was never used by the government or anyone else to explain anything or anyone turning into orbs. That formula comes from Albert Einstein and the government has nothing to do with it.

Whiteagle writes:  You obviously have no idea what the government has done in regard to bigfoot and/or orbs.  So you are hardly in any position to criticize others who have knowledge of past common knowledge.  Bigfoot is both supernatural and unexplainable, relative to us and by us.  Pleased get used to it.

Wisill wrote: Again YOU made the claim that this took place, it's up to YOU to provide the evidence to support your claims.

Whiteagle:  I do not have to prove anything.  I am not bound by a contract to prove anything.  I merely posted free information that anyone can read and judge for themselves.  I do not have to back up anything with any more proof than I have posted here.  By my posting the simple experiment that anyone can perform for themselves, to validate the de facto existence of orbs, is adequate effort on my part to meet any implied obligation that I may have to provide proof.  

Wisill wrote:  Will continue later.. time to leave for work

Whiteagle writes:  Please don't bother.  Based on the above, you do not have a very good batting average so far.  You arguments lack both facts and logic, both of which cannot be independantly verified.  Orbs can be independantly verified.  You obviously have not taken even a few moments to verify them.  Please take those moments, then get back to us.

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2006, 05:47:16 AM »
This is a BIGFOOT FORUM, it is for discussion of bigfoot not orbs, not the paranormal or whatever else. Get back on topic if you wish to post here. I have other forums where that kinda discussion is fine but this one is not. It is for one and only one topic. Bigfoot.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2006, 06:52:10 AM »
Back on topic....

As far as a bigfoot existing in Hawaii, messing up current thinking, it all depends on which portion of the Bigfoot Community you are talking to.  As you pointed out, a portion of those who support Bigfoot's existence, do in fact believe he's decended from Gigantopithecus Blackii.  But not everyone buys that theory.  But looking at just that portion for the moment, if evidence of a bigfoot existing in Hawaii came to light, it could be somewhat unsettling for them, at least for a short time.  However, I believe the evidence would have to imply this was a flesh and blood version.  There is only a very small portion of the bigfoot community, that buy into the paranormal connection.  

Another portion believe that Bigfoot is actually another hominid co-existing on earth with us at the present time.  To have one of these show up in Hawaii, would not be that unsetteling.  Thor Heyerdahl, proved by sailing his primitive rafts, the Kon-Tiki and Ra 2, across the Atlantic Ocean, that long distance ocean voyages were not beyond such primitive craft.  The Kon-Tiki completed a 6,000 km journey, and Ra II 6,100 km.  From San Francisco, to Honolulu is 3,850 kilometers, well within the range of either vessel.  That is of course if this style of bigfoot had very primitive tools primarily for cutting or chopping.  

This does not mean if you go out and sit around on the Pacific you're going to see boatloads of bigfoots paddling by.  I'm just saying it's a possibility of a past journey that could have taken place, that could have introduced a popultion there.

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2006, 07:05:30 PM »
Quote from: Greybeard
I'm sorry but I take her about as seriously as I do other nuts, well OK maybe not quite as seriously. I've seen as many bigfoot critters in my bedroom at night as she has in Hawaii. The rest of us just don't take this metaphysical dimension jumping shape shifting mind control line on the critter seriously.

If such a creature exists it's made of flesh and blood.

Sasquatch Research Inititive.  Honestly think you have seen a sasquatch or bigfoot?
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Offline Micahn

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Does Bigfoot in Hawaii, Mess Up Current Thi
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2006, 10:28:24 AM »
Personally I do not believe that Bigfoot is half of the places some people say. I would put Hawaii at the very top of the list where they are not living right beside NYC and down town LA.
I also do not buy into that whole UFO/shape shifting/warping/time traveling/ghost and every other thing they say stuff. I believe Bigfoot is just like every other critter out in the woods. A flesh and blood animal that we just have not classified as real yet.