Author Topic: What animal do you think this is?  (Read 12776 times)

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2008, 12:04:26 AM »
That would be the ex-wife. No mystery there......... :D

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2009, 11:12:12 PM »
It's an idiot in a concrete tunnel with a coyote call. I've fallen asleep to the sounds of coyotes in too many places too many times to not recognise the sound of real coyotes.
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2009, 12:46:02 AM »
LOL!! that howl has freak me out, I think it is a coyote searching for a partner  :D ;D :)
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2009, 04:19:30 PM »
If it's not a prank it's a timber wolf. The one doing the howling is the mature wolf, the one doing the yipping is a pup timber wolf. I've heard them a lot of times and that  is a wolf.A young timber sounds like a yote. The Wisconsin DNR had a wolf tagged and it took off through Illinois and was found dead in Indiana. It was a young wolf and it happened a few years ago.

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2009, 04:31:10 PM »
coyote, i hear that every night.
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2009, 05:31:55 AM »
It was kind of intense and my first thought was of our larger eastern Coyotes which could be a cross with the Red Wolf around the turn of the century. The sounds of the older males can be unique as I had heard one in particular to be booing like an old coon dog. This happened one deer season and my hunting partner well north of me confirmed this as he could see the animal.

My second guess would be a Wolf. In the 2004-2005 hunting season a Coyote hunter in Pike county, bout sixty miles west of Springfield, IL took a 90lb five foot long timber wolf which made the newspaper. It was legal but the DNR did not really like it (reading between the lines in that article) and when the 2005-2006 hunting season came around they had a full page dedicated to Dont Shoot A Wolf Under Penalty in the hunting regulations.

The sound recording happened in 2006 so it is possible that there may have been a few wolfs hanging around. I did not hear of any sightings in the 2007-2008 season but these would be a word of mouth thing and mistaken identity in a lot of cases. My final answer would be canine.

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2009, 02:58:56 PM »
This summer some new and unusual vocalizations were recorded in Colorado.  The number of people involved was 7 over a two month period. There were many different recordings made using 6 different recorders.

Probably the clearest and longest series is:

The Colorado Howl

These reports can read at:

Colorado Howl - Pt. 1

Colorado Howl - Pt. 2

Colorado Howl - Pt. 3

Sound analysis done by the Blogsquatcher

Now if you believe these are coyote, dog, coy-dog or wolf please post a link to sounds that you believe are similar under sound analysis.

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2009, 06:29:57 PM »
Ok you were out west and got an interesting variety of coyote sounds. I've heard them all first hand. The one sound you keep repeating sounds more like human pretending to be something else than any animal to me. That or a sick coyote. It sure ain't no bigfoot.

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2009, 01:18:37 AM »
If there were such a thing as a bigfoot and it lived in the San Juans in Colorado, Bud Flowers would have shot it. You have some unknown sound recorded, I thnk like Graybeard it is human, and automatically this unknown sound is a "bigfoot".
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2009, 01:57:17 AM »
If there were such a thing as a bigfoot and it lived in the San Juans in Colorado, Bud Flowers would have shot it. You have some unknown sound recorded, I thnk like Graybeard it is human, and automatically this unknown sound is a "bigfoot".

You can not find any where in my writings that I have claimed any sound to be a bigfoot. Sound analysis shows that this unknown animal's sounds do not match coyote, dog or wolf. 

Why are there no known recordings of coyotes that sound like these recordings?


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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2009, 02:20:12 AM »
I sugest you read your link. It sat bigfoot san juan mountains! Your sounds recorded in the first post on this thread are coyotes and on your recent post are people screwing around. Mystery solved!
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2009, 02:39:32 AM »
I sugest you read your link. It sat bigfoot san juan mountains! Your sounds recorded in the first post on this thread are coyotes and on your recent post are people screwing around. Mystery solved!

That link is to the Blogsquatcher, DB Donlon.  I (Stan Courtney) have never used those terms in reference to any of my recordings.

We were camped 25 miles off the hard road on a dead end.  No other campers were seen along this road.  For someone to come in and make very loud sounds just 200 yards from a camp of 6 people, who were all armed, seems very foolish to me.

I would be very interested in any coyote links that anyone can provide that would be similar to. 

The Colorado Howl

Offline Travis Morgan

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2009, 06:38:54 AM »
If there were such a thing as a bigfoot and it lived in the San Juans in Colorado, Bud Flowers would have shot it. You have some unknown sound recorded, I thnk like Graybeard it is human, and automatically this unknown sound is a "bigfoot".

You can not find any where in my writings that I have claimed any sound to be a bigfoot. Sound analysis shows that this unknown animal's sounds do not match coyote, dog or wolf. 

Why are there no known recordings of coyotes that sound like these recordings?


A.) You haven't found them; that doesn't mean they're "unknown".

B.) Sound analysis means nothing. The recording could be flawed. It could be a coyote with an injury that makes his howl sound funny. The dorks anylising  it might have never been outdoors except to camp out in front of Circuit city to buy a video game.
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2009, 03:26:07 AM »
It isn't the timber wolf howls of Wisconsin. It's been a long time since I heard a yote but I never heard them sound like that. If you said they were 200 yds away thay could have been a mile away if it's calm. I heard wolves howl and swear they were 5 mi. away. I've heard them when they were 150yds and they are so loud it sounded like the tornado sirens going off. I heard one one night on a calm night at 9:30 during muzzloader season in Price co. Wisconsin, sitting and reading and all the sudden a mature one goes off down by the river and I jumped clean off my rocking chair. I was even in the cabin. There were 3 other younger (pups) with the bigger one I saw the tracks in the snow on the river so I know they went right by my cabin. Exactly where they were when they howled I don't know though. If you are 20 mi. down a dead end road and hear a tree fall like that it's darn quiet too. Start looking for tracks when the snow flies, that will tell the tale. If you find droppings or tracks in the sand it will tell you a lot. If you don't find tracks where you think they were they were a lot further than you think.  I would send someone off a mile away and rev a chainsaw and see how close it sounds. I cna hear a chainsaw 5 mi. away when it's calm in the big woods . Clear as a bell too. Later, ihookem

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2009, 03:51:50 AM »
About 30 years ago Bud Flowers decided to lighten the competition during turkey season in Arkansas. He made large footprints in the ground then made concrete casts in which he put a pair of boots. He let them harden then proceded to leave some tracks across dirt roads where he knew folks would be scouting for turkey. Bud is a fairly tall man about 6'5" he said he would swing his feet taking long long strides. Well his trick worked, maybe a little too well.

People that discovered the track called the media, all of the sudden there were telvision cameras and reports in the area. Bud said that he never expected this. People actually started seeing "bigfoot". The so called "experts" from the bigfoot research center estimated the creature was 8 feet tall and 700 lbs from the size and depth of the tracks. The bigfoot research center said these were some of the best tracks that they have of bigfoot.

One of the funniest things he said that happened is that some of his friends stopped by a little black owned beer joint one evening to get a 6 pack of beer. The place was closed when they got there at an early hour. Knowing the owner lived in the place they knocked, they heard the front being unlocked and opened about 6 inches. The owner peered out at them and they asked him why he was closed? He replied "that thing out there, abouts the time it starts gettin dark, all my customers leave"!

Well old Bud now lives in SW Colorado near the San Juans, he's a might older now but ya never know.
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2009, 04:15:10 AM »
Well now I have heard coyotes call from Canada down to Southern Missouri and from Maine to Wyoming and never heard any sound like yours, which sounds like a want ta bee coyote caller inside a bunker. I call em like I hear em! ;) It is not a wolf either for those who may think otherwise!  :)

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #46 on: December 16, 2009, 04:00:34 AM »
"Well now I have heard coyotes call from Canada down to Southern Missouri and from Maine to Wyoming.."

Tonk - do you think they use Verizon?????  Just askin'.............

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2010, 05:46:00 PM »
Friends of mine have seen and heard stuff around the stick marsh down here in Fl. Some people call them Skunk Apes and believe they are chimps that got free years back. They say their call makes your heart skip a beat and after that lady lost her face and fingers from a pet chimp I bought a 10mm as a side arm. lol

Offline Gallahad

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2010, 04:39:20 PM »

Offline Ron 1

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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2010, 03:38:55 AM »
possible hunter
 not so good at calling or matting call. it is that time for them there is my .02$
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Re: What animal do you think this is?
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2010, 12:13:06 PM »
I've listened to those calls a bunch, and there is definitely something odd about them.  When I first heard them, I thought "that's just somebody's dog".  But, then I also ran them through spectral analyzing software trying to find a match for them, comparing them to lots of dog sounds.  I also thought that they might be a large domestic dog in love.  My German Shepherd howled very similarly when one of his lady friends was in season and he couldn't get to her.  So, we analyzed a full repertoire of his "love songs".  Nope, not that either.  So the next thing I thought was that it might be coyotes.  But, after spending enough time doing that to get my wife aggravated at me, I have to agree with Stan (fulltimer) that they do NOT match up to coyotes, even though I was pretty sure I would find a match, especially from an older male.  But, no.  So, we ran wolf howls from various places around the country through the S/W and while a few were closer, it was still "no cigar".  And they are certainly NOT cattle.

A few friends and I tried to duplicate the calls doing them ourselves, with and without various megaphones, and in different places like large culverts and bathtubs, also through pipes of different sizes.  And we are pretty danged good doing calls with our mouths.  Even tried with a didgeridoo, elk bugle, and bull horn (real one, not the electronic kind).  I've played a little with Mongolian throat singing over the years and sometimes can do it pretty well (if nobody's looking at  That didn't match either.  There were several times that I thought we had nailed the sound ourselves or had found an animal sound that matched it, but when we ran it through the S/W, it was clearly different. 

Conclusion:... I don't know what in the hell made those vocalizations.  And I personally believe that bigfoot exists.  (And yes, I already know that many of you on here don't believe they exist, but that's an argument for another time.)  And, I've also recorded what I'm pretty sure are bigfoot vocalizations, but NONE of them sound like these particular recordings.  But some of the vocalizations I've heard do contain the simultaneous and/or trilling high and low frequencies. 

But like I said, I don't know WHAT made those vocalizations, and I DON'T think that bigfoot made them, per se.  However, if you do much investigating into bigfoot sightings, you come across references to "dog-faced" ones, or "long-snouted" ones, or "dog-men", or ones that looked like werewolves, or loup-garou's, or creatures like the Beast of LBL (as posted elsewhere in this section of this forum), or as some Native Americans call them: the Nalusa Falaya.  I've never seen one, but I've personally heard three reports of sightings of them, and two of them were from reputable, trustworthy, dead-serious folks.   IF they exist, could these be some of their vocalizations? 


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