We love W. Mart and shop there often. Bought a few 22 rifles from Wally World and lots of ammo. We were disappointed when they quit selling firearms but the store we shop at still sells ammo. They never sold hand guns anyway.
Most gun stores in my area (Suburbs N. Of Dallas) are pretty pricey on everything. Funny how gun stores with exibits in gun shows can get competivitely priced but in their stores they usually try to get MSRP. We have bought several, about five, guns from Academy at pretty decent prices but they have been steadily increasing their prices. Academy ammo is well priced though. My next purchase will be a S & W MP 40. Academy price, NIB, $549.00 but priced at a local gun range $499.00. Probably get one at a gun show for around $470.00. If Wally World wasn't fighting off constant assaults by liberals and their unions, I could probably get one for about $450.00. But who really knows! :?
We should all be as savy as old Sam was! :roll: