catdaddy- you sound like a young trapper and certainly an inexpeirienced one. Sounds like you are trying to put the cart before the horse so to speak- you want to trap coon but have no knowledge of them or their habits.
I suggest you get a general trapping book or two the FTA has a good book for beginning trappers, as do other places. Go to the libary, and check out the trapping books there. Most librarys have a few.
Then get on the internet and research coon and their habits for your area.
And during, before and after this- get out into the area you want to trap. On site look-sees pay off every time.
Understand that a fall coon is a hungrey coon. From late August until late Nov- coon have one thing on thier minds and thats building fat reserves (I am speaking now of northern coon) .
Heres is a tip- coon are extremely mobile. They travel many miles to the food osurces as they become avaialable. Starting with milk corn, berries, nuts, riping grains and fruits (plums are a favorite) and finally fall corn- the coon move and move fast.
When the land food sources are exhausted, coon move back to the water.
In answer to your question, I trap a lot of travellng fall coon miles from any known water other than a few stock ponds and watering tanks. When trapping this type of situation- you have to understand how coon move and be prepared by setting o nthe main travel ways- in my country- ravines either top or bototm are best, long drainages, connecting field roads, etc.
In real big woods- you NEED to be on the food early, on the dens late.....trappnman