Hello guys, Thanks for the kind words.
Remember that so far I have only shot about 25 or so rounds out of it with this setup. I also only shot a few rounds out of the plain 8" barrel before I sent it to my brother. So for any comparison I will have to use the recoil of a 6" barrel which I did shoot quite alot.
As for the recoil reduction, I THINK that it is MUCH less then what I remember with the 6" barrel alone. Now, to be fair, I also was shooting th 6" with plain iron sights instead of with the holosight. Not really a fair comparison but it is all I had to work with. I can tell you that my first impression was very favorable and that I don't think it kicked much at all. Maybe similar to a 38 +P or a 357 mag.
As for muzzle flip, it is a muzzle brake. From what I understand (and from my very limited experience) it is designed to hold the barrel still in all directions thus reducing flip, recoil and improving accuracy. I think it flipped much less then the 6" but whether that is because of the extra weight or the brake I can't tell. The targets I posted were shot as fast as I could reload and aim. I don't think it was very long before I shot them all.
Hope that helps, If you have any other questions, let me know. I will be heading to the range this weekend and having a couple of buddies shoot it too. I will get their impressions and see if they think it kicks (or flips) as much.