What I see is a studied and deliberate failure to fullfill the tenets of the stated mission.
The threat is so great that Americans in America are groped and strip-searched at airports, prevented from travelling freely around the nation using public conveyance, spied upon by our own government, imprisoned without warrant or charge, threatened with fines and imprisonment for crossing international borders, denied the right of free speech, and constantly under attack and threat of disarmament.
But when they find the enemy, they let him go. Again, and again, and again.
The logical path is to kill the enemy where he is seen and found. If such action warns his compatriots nearby, more the better, let them understand that we are coming and that there will be no escape.
Instead, they waste clear opportunity to service questionable purposes of political gain, for international prestige and subterfuge.
I don't believe that they want to catch or stop these fellows at all.
I believe that these numerous individuals with vaguely middle-eastern sounding names are being used as a team of booger-men to frighten and control the American People. I hear their names on the news and I begin to wonder if they even really exist.
Instead, I hear the "war-talk" and see and feel the grip of oppressive authority tightening on the American People.
If they intend to kill these men, kill them. Kill them on sight. Kill them now.
But as I said, I don't believe that was ever the real plan.