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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2006, 01:30:44 PM »
Two developments today.

I asked my boss (who lives in a different town) about sending books.  (His wife is a teacher.)  He gladly took the packet of information (printed from posts here and the link to the newsletter).  He suggested I also hit the school board (just a few blocks down from where we work).  He asked if it made any difference if there were multiple copies of books ( I said I thought not, as the need was so broad).

My wife contacted some of the teachers where she mentors students - they were excited about doing it!  (They even asked for the address so THEY could send the books!)

DD - what do  you think about matching up a school over there with a school over here?  It would be exciting for the interaction and could well lead to much more than just sending a few boxes of books.

Tim K                 www.GBOCANNONS.COM
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2006, 04:42:19 PM »
Two developments today.

I asked my boss (who lives in a different town) about sending books.  (His wife is a teacher.)  He gladly took the packet of information (printed from posts here and the link to the newsletter).  He suggested I also hit the school board (just a few blocks down from where we work).  He asked if it made any difference if there were multiple copies of books ( I said I thought not, as the need was so broad).

Tim, I will get you both letters in  your email and you can print those out.

My wife contacted some of the teachers where she mentors students - they were excited about doing it!  (They even asked for the address so THEY could send the books!)
The leter I send you will have the address.

DD - what do  you think about matching up a school over there with a school over here?  It would be exciting for the interaction and could well lead to much more than just sending a few boxes of books.

This was considered, but for all sorts of good and variable reasons was rejected.  Right now we only make contact with a library when we actually have books to deliver.  No false hope from a promise to send books that never materializes,(the first person to promise books still hasn't sent them) plus I can make sure the books get to the kids by delivering in person.

What I can do  is when Books are delivered to a school or library from another scholl in the U.S.  is pass onthe school name and address that sent the books.  I won't pass on private individual names and addresses. We have a way to say thank you to them. It's nothing special, just nice.  Remember stamps cost money.  The library at Ulundi had and entire operating budget of $52,000 for everything. Send ing a letter by these folks is a financial endeaver.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #62 on: December 19, 2006, 04:39:21 PM »
Ulundi Book Drive!!

On Thursday December 14, 2006, Thula Hlongwane, Durban Consulate Information Resource Center Director and I drove for 3 ½ hours up to the Nondweni Library near Nqutu, KwaZulu Natal for a library survey.  While at the library I delivered 500 books.

Nondweni library has 10,000 registered subscribers, 25,000 homes are in the immediate area of the library.  The library serves 1,000,000 people.  The library’s total annual book budget is R2000 or about $300.  The library relies on temporary book loans from other libraries to stock its shelves.   

These young boys eagerly grabbed up the books and started reading them when we sat them out for a picture.  The smiles say it all.  When asked if he wanted to be President of South Africa, the little guy in front with the million dollar smile said “No, an Architect”.  The gentleman with the tie is Thula Hlongwane from the U.S. Consulate. 

On this trip, I learned that schools in Zululand do not have libraries.  There is no money for books in school budgets.  Schools are very poor in Zululand.

This is Hlubi High School, a typical Zululand school.

During the drive up and back, Thula and I discussed future book distribution. We have decided to be a bit more selective.  There is plenty of need, but some have greater need.   In the Durban area the city provides an infrastructure that includes libraries. So although a school may be poor and in need, the children can still get access.  The kids in Zululand don’t have that luxury.

From now on we are going to focus getting books to the rural areas.  We are also going to seek out orphanages and children’s AID’s hospitals, as those kids can’t get out.

To date I have received 1,700 books.  I have delivered 1,300 books to needy libraries in KwaZulu Natal.  Another delivery is planned for Christmas morning at Isandlwana School.

Still another delivery is planned to an Orphanage in the Durban area.  After these deliveries I will be out of books.  We still have another Zululand public library to get to.

I need more books!!

Here is how you can help out. Send me books. I will get them to the libraries in need.  These could be new children’s books but good clean used book would be just as good. Books should not be torn or covered in crayon marks etc. Good books only!

Where to get books? Stop by thrift stores and ask for them, check yard sales and look in your own kids’ room.

Ed Fitler has sent over 700 books himself.  He sent me this email the other day:
“On Friday my wife and I were visiting the Life Changing Ministries Thrift Store to find and purchase item we really don’t need. The manager Keith approached me and asked if we still wanted children books for Africa. Of course, I said sure. He pointed to the back of his rather large store to the children’s book section and told me to take whatever I wanted for free.

My wife & I spent probably an hour selecting books we thought were appropriate to send over. We were able to completely fill up two large shopping carts of books and probably over 100lbs in total. When I have a chance sometime soon, probably after the first of the year, I will pack some of them up and send them along to you.”

Check the Thrift stores. Tell the management what you need the books for, maybe you will get lucky also.

You can also help by passing this message on to your friends and family and ask them to send books, and oh yeah, and ask them to pass this message along. 

How to send the books?  Book rate! Boxes can weigh no more than 50 pounds.  50 pounds of books at book rate from West coast to East coast is less that $20.

Send the books to me at:


I will continue to get them to the kids!!!

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #63 on: December 19, 2006, 06:56:34 PM »
It appears that you have been asking for/receiving books oriented toward elementary school age children.  If you are going to supply high schools as well, do you want some books for more adult audiences (I don't mean porn here)?  How about text books?
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2006, 07:10:31 AM »
Good question George.

I was driving down the road and saw a school and stopped for pictures and it happened to be a High school.  All schools up in Zululand look just like this.  And my first impression was the same as yours-- Horse stable or Chicken barn.

The greater need is elementary school and primary books.  Most of the loaner book s are for experienced readers. Very little is available for the young readers.

We were specifically told no text books, they must be approved by the Minister of Education. Some text books have been sent and delivered with a bunch regular books.  But a stack of the same text might be tough to move.

When the books coe in  Thula and I go through them and check them out to be sure they are appropriate. We have only found one book that we anti abortion with dead fetus'.  Everything else has been good to go.

It is kinda fun to go through the books and look them over and see some that I read a long time ago. 

My boss asked me on the phone the other day what were some of book, was there Dr. Suess. Told him him yes there was Cat in the Hat the other day. He said he had read that when he was a kid, and said so had I.  Then he said yeah you probably read it first edition...yes I  called him and unkind name...I think I can still hear him laughing....Comedian!!!

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2006, 03:45:01 AM »
I delivered another 150 Books this past week end.  This 150 Books to the Isandlwana Primary School

This one felt extra special as this school has no library at all

I have about 50 books left, so send me those books!!

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2006, 03:46:32 AM »
The mail from America finally came to day.  Leonard "Pooch" Yost sent 55 books and Dale Styers sent 93 more books.  That brings Dale's total to 228 books.  Thanks folks your donation it is greatfully received. 

So far I have received 1833 books and delivered 1622.  There are 211 books on hand.  We have an Orphange in Durban that needs books and another Library yet in Zululand.  So, I still need books.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2007, 05:24:28 PM »
Last year at a Consulate Staff meeting a request was made to find children’s books for the Ulundi library.  This has been a longstanding request for which there were no State Department programs to help.   I volunteered to see what I could do on my own.

I reached out to all of you for help and you came through.  To date you folks have sent me over 3500 books.

So far I have delivered 1500 books to two libraries and two schools. We are planning on delivering another 1000 books to a nursery school, elementary school and a Zululand Library in the next couple of weeks.

I still have about 1000 books left to distribute.

Delivering these books to Zululand has been eye opening.  These people are very poor.  The schools don’t have libraries.  There is no money for library books.  They need help in Zululand.  Learning to read is the key to a better life for these kids. 

I was talking with a friend here in Durban about who I could contact to find places in Zululand in need of books. My friend, said without hesitation—David Rattray!  This was good; David Rattray was on my personal list of people I would like to meet while in South Africa (Along with Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and Mangosuthu Buthelezi).  Later that evening I was shocked to hear that Mr. Rattray was murdered at his Lodge at Fugitive Drift that very day.

David Rattray was a world renowned historian on the Anglo Zulu War and a champion of the Zulu people.  He supported Zulu culture and the Zulu people. He loved his country South Africa and had the highest hope for its future.

Almost a month has passed since the horrid event.  This weekend, the local paper had an interview with Nicky Rattray, David’s widow.  Mrs. Rattray expressed the strong determination to carry on David’s work through the David Rattray Foundation?

This morning I sent an email to Mrs. Rattray and told her about the books you folks have sent and asked if she would be interested in helping me find a place for the rest of the books in the name of the David Rattray Foundation.   I got an immediate response. Yes most definitely she would help. 

Mrs. Rattray said there are 8 schools in the area and they all need library books. So now my dilemma, I don’t have enough books for 8 schools.   I would like to give each school 500 books, that’s 4000 books total.  I have 1000.  I need 3000 more books.

Get to the thrift stores, talk to the managers and ask them if they will donate books for the kids in Zululand. Check your basement, garage and attic for the books you kids have out grown, hit the yard sales, bug your neighbors; just get me some more books. Send them to me book rate. 

When you think about it, it will make you feel good inside to be able to help these Zulu kids  and to honor a good man.


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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2007, 05:31:24 PM »
More books arrived today from you fine folks.

Paul Bourbin sent 17 more, to bring his total to 34, thanks Paul.

R. Florio sent 96 books, thanks R. ...what dsoes the R stand for?

Michael Geers  donated 50 books.  Thanks Michael.

All the books received from now on will be going to the Zulu children via the David Rattray Foundation.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #69 on: March 06, 2007, 07:11:49 AM »
181 more books came in today from Div Arty.  His total is now 277 books. Thank you Sir!!!!

So far you folks have donated 3896 books.  I have delivered 1622 books.  I have 1000 books set aside for a Library , school and Nursery to be delivered soon as the consulate can schedule it.

That leaves 1274 books to take to the David Rattray Foundation for the 8 schools  in the Fugitive's Drift Area.  The goal is to take  4000 books to the Fugitive Drift so that makes 2726 books short.

These schools are elementary through High School.  So I need books for older kids also.  So folks send me books.

In the U.S. send the books book rate. You can send alot of books for $20.


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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #70 on: March 19, 2007, 05:02:52 PM »
Neff Cannons has sent two boxes of books, apx. 150 books today.

Rick Neff
Neff Cannons & Machine LLC
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #71 on: March 19, 2007, 06:14:58 PM »
My apologies guys, I have got several boxes in the past week and haven't had much time to do anything with them. Both of my permanent staff members rotated back home over the past two weeks.  Then I had an eval team from DC pop in to see how "things" were going...most "things" just fine, a couple not fine "things".  Nothing serious.

Off course the eval team took one look at the cars driving on the left over here and declined to use one of my cars. That meant they could take cabs or I could drive them---common sense said drive them. 

Now I have to get ready for the temporary staff to come next week.  They will be here for up to a year while new permanent staff get selected. 

In April, I am going to be delivering the remaining books set aside to meet the goal from the Consulate last year. 

Also  in April I will meet with Nicky Rattray of the David Rattray Foundation to set up more book deliveries through that organization.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #72 on: March 20, 2007, 09:41:41 AM »

     Today I received a nice letter of thanks from Mr. Eugene S. Young, Consul General.   He stated that "America has new friends in South Africa," as a result of all our efforts.  It's great to know that someone out there likes us. 
     Thanks Doug for your project.  Will start scrounging  again.
                                                          Ron Fiorio     (Div Arty)

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2007, 08:14:47 AM »


Another small box of school story books heading your way for your Ulundi students.

Weight is 23 lbs. 12.8 oz.

Shipped on 04/03/2007

Best regards,
Cpt. Ed.
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #74 on: April 13, 2007, 03:22:09 PM »
Four more boxes headed your way.

Tim K                 www.GBOCANNONS.COM
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #75 on: April 13, 2007, 07:01:56 PM »
4 more boxes of books showed up Wednesday from Dale Styers and Rick Neff.  So far you folks  have sent me 4262 books.  1622 books have been delivered.  We have 1000 books scheduled for delivery.  We have set a goal of 4000 books for the David Rattray foundation. 

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #76 on: April 25, 2007, 05:37:36 PM »
Another box of books showed up from Capt. Ed, thanks Ed!!  Got my new staff trained up so we can start deliviering books again,  My Garage is getting a bit full.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2007, 07:22:47 PM »
Another 43 lbs entrusted to the USPS.

Just as a side note, postal regulations have the following limits on mail addressed to zip code 20189:

Maximum weight--50 lbs.
Maximum dimensions--32" x 17" x 18"
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #78 on: May 02, 2007, 05:14:31 PM »
Thanks George!!!

Three more boxes showed up from Cat Whisperer...Thanks Tim

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2007, 03:37:12 AM »
Hit an auction yesterday.  Cashed in on books.
Tim K                 www.GBOCANNONS.COM
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2007, 08:11:11 AM »
If you have any books that you have gathered for this program please send them off as soon as possible.  We have been informed that in the near future we may no longer be allowed the use of this delivery system. 

It has been a fun operation and has given me a great deal of satisfaction.  But it must come to an end.  You folks have generously donated 4400 books. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We have to date delivered 2127 books at five different locations through out Zululand.  We still have  One more Zululand library to deliver to.  Then the balance of the books of the books will be delivered to  Fugitive Drift and the David Rattray Foundations for distribution to the 8 schools in the area.   

Today my Team and I drove to Sisifehle Primary School at Mpophomeni Township and delivered 500 books.   This is the first time I have taken my team members out.  Both are new in country and had never experience a township.  It was especially nice today as the children spontaneously sang and danced for us.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2007, 09:00:24 AM »
Guess I will have to start packing.
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #82 on: May 15, 2007, 03:18:48 PM »

     Well, nothing like lighting the fuse to get things started.  Hit my daughter up for more books and after sorting through her shelves she came up with 60lbs.  I didn't count them but you've  got two boxes on the way today.  They are for younger children and first graders but its good to start them early.

                             Div Arty

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #83 on: May 15, 2007, 09:00:53 PM »
I've mailed 3 boxes in the last two days with a little over 130 pounds total from behind the redwood curtain here in the peoples republic of Kaliforny. Every little bit helps.
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #84 on: May 24, 2007, 08:09:53 AM »
Three boxes of books showed up today from Chino, thanks George!!

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #85 on: May 24, 2007, 08:36:02 AM »
You're welcome.  Remember that the books I am sending are not elementary school books but normal adult literature (that is NOT a euphemism for porn.)  There are about another half dozen boxes in the pipeline and at least four more boxes worth waiting for my return from Orlando.

If the schools don't want them, do what you will with them.
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2007, 09:24:39 AM »
George, the books you sent will be just fine for the High School kids.  Any book you send is one more than they have now.

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #87 on: May 26, 2007, 07:12:09 AM »
By the way, how well did the packaging survive the trip?
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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #88 on: May 26, 2007, 09:12:25 AM »
By the way, how well did the packaging survive the trip?

Let me put it this way George, glad I had a sharpening steel for the butcher knife, I'm not sure I would have got in without it!!

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Re: Books for Ulundi
« Reply #89 on: May 26, 2007, 09:46:54 AM »
 ;D  I use about half a roll of tape per box.
“If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at 40, you have no brain.”
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